1.06. Deadlocked Jury (follow up to 1.05) | Pdf Doc Docx | Illinois_JI

 Illinois Jury Instructions   Civil   001 General Cautionary Instructions 
1.06. Deadlocked Jury (follow up to 1.05) | Pdf Doc Docx | Illinois_JI

Last updated: 6/3/2014

1.06. Deadlocked Jury (follow up to 1.05)

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1.06 Deadlocked Jury (Follow Up to 1.05) In a large proportion of cases absolute certainty cannot be expected nor does the law require it. If you fail to agree on a verdict the case must be retried. Any future jury must be selected in the same manner as you were chosen. There is no reason to believe that the case would ever be submitted to another jury more competent to decide it, or that the case can be tried any better or more exhaustively than it has been here, or that more or clearer evidence could be produced on behalf of any party. You should now retire and reconsider the evidence in light of the court's instructions. New 10/08

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