Last updated: 1/24/2013
Registered Land Affidavit
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COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS LAND COURT DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT Three Pemberton Square Room 507 Boston, MA 02108 Tel. No. (617) 788-7470 In an effort to expedite the issuance of Orders of Notice in Servicemembers Cases involving registered land, in March 2006 the Court instituted a new procedure. At that time the Land Court discontinued verifying with the local Land Court Registry District the information provided in the complaint. For Servicemembers filings involving registered land, the complainant is now responsible for providing, along with the initial filing (complaint, check, orders of notice, mortgagee affidavit, and a self-addressed stamped envelope), an affidavit stating that the information in the complaint is up-to-date and accurately represents the current state of the title at the Registry District of the Land Court. (Please use the form below for this purpose). We hope this procedure will expedite the mortgage foreclosure process involving registered land filings. July 2012 Rev. 8/12 www.mass.gov/courts/landcourt American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS LAND COURT DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT ATTORNEY'S AFFIDAVIT AS TO CURRENT REGISTERED LAND INFORMATION FOR LAND COURT USE ONLY County PLACE CASE NO. LABEL HERE I have examined the Certificate of Title and verify the following: Certificate No. (In the event this is cancelled, insert the new number and check the outstanding certificate.) Document No. Given by (mortgagor): To (mortgagee): Date: Location of Property: Outstanding Owner(s): Assignments of Mortgage: Date: Attorney's signature: Print Name: BBO No.: Rev. 8/12 www.mass.gov/courts/landcourt American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com