Last updated: 5/17/2017
Judgment In A Civil Case {SCRCP 4C}
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FORM 4 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF _______________________________ IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS JUDGMENT IN A CIVIL CASE CASE NO. ____ CP-_________________ PLAINTIFF(S) DEFENDANT(S) Attorney for : Plaintiff Defendant or Self-Represented Litigant Submitted by: ________________________________________ DISPOSITION TYPE (CHECK ONE) JURY VERDICT. This action came before the court for a trial by jury. The issues have been tried and a verdict rendered. DECISION BY THE COURT. This action came to trial or hearing before the court. The issues have been tried or heard and a decision rendered. See Page 2 for additional information. ACTION DISMISSED (CHECK REASON): Rule 12(b), SCRCP; Rule 41(a), SCRCP (Vol. Nonsuit); Rule 43(k), SCRCP (Settled); Other __________________________ ACTION STRICKEN (CHECK REASON): Rule 40(j), SCRCP; Bankruptcy; Binding arbitration, subject to right to restore to confirm, vacate or modify arbitration award; Other _______________________________________ STAYED DUE TO BANKRUPTCY DISPOSITION OF APPEAL TO THE CIRCUIT COURT (CHECK APPLICABLE BOX): Affirmed; Reversed; Remanded; Other ___________________ NOTE: ATTORNEYS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTIFYING LOWER COURT, ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCY OF THE CIRCUIT COURT RULING IN THIS APPEAL. TRIBUNAL, OR IT IS ORDERED AND ADJUDGED: See attached order (formal order to follow) by the Court: _____________________________________________ ORDER INFORMATION This order ends does not end the case. Additional Information for the Clerk : Statement of Judgment INFORMATION FOR THE JUDGMENT INDEX Complete this section below when the judgment affects title to real or personal property or if any amount should be enrolled. If there is no judgment information, indicate "N/A" in one of the boxes below. Judgment in Favor of Judgment Against Judgment Amount To be (List name(s) below) (List name(s) below) Enrolled (List amount(s) below) $ $ $ If applicable, describe the property, including tax map information and address, referenced in the order: The judgment information above has been provided by the submitting party. Disputes concerning the amounts contained in this form may be addressed by way of motion pursuant to the SC Rules of Civil Procedure. Amounts to be computed such as interest or additional taxable costs not available at the time the form and final order are submitted to the judge may be provided to the clerk. Note: Title abstractors and researchers should refer to the official court order for judgment details. SCRCP Form 4C (02/2017) Page 1 of 4 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com E-Filing Note: In E-Filing counties, the Court will electronically sign this form using a separate electronic signature page. Circuit Court Judge Judge Code Date For Clerk of Court Office Use Only This judgment was entered on the ______________ day of _____________, 20_____ and a copy mailed first class or placed in the appropriate attorney's box on this _____________ day of __________, 20____to attorneys of record or to parties (when appearing pro se) as follows: ATTORNEY(S) FOR THE PLAINTIFF(S) ATTORNEY(S) FOR THE DEFENDANT(S) CLERK OF COURT Court Reporter: __________________________________________________________ E-Filing Note: In E-Filing counties, the date of Entry of Judgment is the same date as reflected on the Electronic File Stamp and the clerk's entering of the date of judgment above is not required in those counties. The clerk will mail a copy of the judgement to parties who are not E-Filers or who are appearing pro se. See Rule 77(d), SCRCP. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING DECISION BY THE COURT AS REFERENCED ON PAGE 1. This action came to trial or hearing before the court. The issues have been tried or heard and a decision rendered. SCRCP Form 4C (02/2017) Page 2 of 4 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com SCRCP Form 4C (02/2017) Page 3 of 4 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com *********************************** FORM 4C INSTRUCTIONS--JUDGMENT IN A CIVIL CASE (Instructions for Information Only-Not to be filed with Form 4C) 1. Form 4C-Judgment in a Civil Case has been modified to add order information and enrollment instructions for the clerk of court. The purpose of Form 4 has not changed with the exception that judgment information is provided when applicable. 2. Please note that the Form 4C must be attached to all orders that include information to enroll in the judgment index. The clerk will not be responsible for reading the order to determine enrollment information. The attorney or prevailing party will prepare and attach the Form 4C when submitting the proposed order that includes judgment enrollment information for the judgment index. The judge will review and sign Form 4C when he or she signs an order that includes judgment enrollment information for the judgment index. 3. Form 4C is not required to be submitted to the Court with orders that do not include information to enroll in the judgment index. If the clerk receives such an order without Form 4C attached, the clerk should enter and process the order pursuant to Rule 58 and Rule 77(d), SC Rules of Civil Procedure (i.e., the clerk should serve notice of entry of the judgment by mail or provide the attorneys with copies of the signed order by other means). 4. The "Information for the Judgment Index" section should be completed when the judgment affects title to real or personal property or if any amount should be enrolled. In the "Judgment in Favor of" column, enter the name of the party to whom the judgment is awarded. In the "Judgment Against" column, enter the name of the person to whom the judgment is against. The judgment amount to be enrolled should be noted in the "Judgment Amount" column. As necessary, describe any property referenced in the order if it is to be enrolled in the judgment index. If there is no judgment information to enroll, indicate "N/A" in one of the boxes in this section of the form. 5. To enter information to accommodate multiple parties, additional Form 4Cs may be used as necessary. Additional space may be inserted on the form as necessary. 6. The section "For the Clerk of Court Office Use Only" should be completed by the clerk as it has been with the previous version of Form 4. 7. If the matter is on appeal to the Circuit Court, then the parties on the form should be changed from Plaintiff and Defendant to Appellant and Respondent. 8. If an arbitrator prepares an order after arbitration, the arbitrator should strike through "C