Certification Of Indigent Representation {SCCA-236} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

 South Carolina   Statewide   Court Of Common Pleas 
Certification Of Indigent Representation {SCCA-236} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 1/27/2015

Certification Of Indigent Representation {SCCA-236}

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STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) IN THE COURT OF _____________________ ) _____JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF __________________________ ) ) CERTIFICATION OF ) INDIGENT REPRESENTATION Plaintiff, ) PURSUANT TO RULE 3(b)(2), SCRCP vs. ) ) Defendant. ) Docket No. ___________________________ Attorney Name: ________________________________________________________________ SC Bar No.: __________ Telephone No.: ________________ Email Address: ____________ Legal Service/Agency/Nonprofit Organization: _______________________________________ Client Name(s):_________________________________________________________________ Pursuant to Rule 3(b)(2) SCRCP, a party represented in a civil action by an attorney working on behalf of or under the auspices of a legal aid society or legal services or other nonprofit organization funded in whole or substantial part by funds appropriated by the United States Government or the South Carolina General Assembly, which has as its primary purpose the furnishing of legal services to indigent persons, or the SC Pro Bono program, shall have fees related to the filing of the action waived without necessity of a motion and court approval. I hereby certify I represent ________________________________________ (name of client), and I am providing such representation on behalf of or under the auspices of __________________________________________________ (list the appropriate legal aid society, legal services or other nonprofit organization) and that he/she is not able to pay the filing fees associated with this action. Therefore, pursuant to Rule 3 (b)(2), SCRCP, the filing fees in the above-referenced matter are waived. I further agree to notify this court should my representation of _________________________ change in regard to the status referenced herein. _________________________________________ Attorney for ______________________________ __________________________, SC Date: ___________________________ SCCA 236 (12/2013) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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