Last updated: 7/12/2018
Additional Paragraphs For Mortgage Foreclosure Appearance And Answwer {AA-AAP 906.2}
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This form is approved by the Illinois Supreme Court and is required to be accepted in all Illinois Circuit Courts. STATE OF ILLINOIS , CIRCUIT COURT COUNTY ADDITIONAL PARAGRAPHS FOR MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE APPEARANCE & ANSWER For Court Use Only I nstructions Plaintiff ( Name of Bank or Mortgage Company ) v. Defendants nter the case was filed. Enter the name of the bank or mortgage company as Plaintiff. Case Number Enter your names as Defendants. Enter the Case Number from the Complaint you received. Defendants r espond to the paragraphs in the Mortgage Foreclosure Complaint as follows: Paragraph Subparagraph Number Letter (if any) Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Agree Disagree Do Not Know Enter the number and letter of each additional paragraph and subparagraph in the Complaint. Then check 223Agree,224 223Disagree,224 or 223Do Not Know224 for each paragraph. Check 223Agree224 if youknow all of the statements in the paragraph are true. This means that you admit the statements are true. Check 223Disagree224 ifyou know any of the statements in the paragraph are false. This means that you deny that all of the statements are true. Check 223Do NotKnow224 if you do not know if all of the statements in the paragraph are true or false. This means you do not have enough information to truthfully admit or deny the statements. Attach this form to your Mortgage Foreclosure Appearance & Answer form. AA-AAP 906. Page 1 of 1 () American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com