Additional Defendant Signatures Names And Addresses {AA-ADS 917.1} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Illinois

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Additional Defendant Signatures Names And Addresses {AA-ADS 917.1} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Illinois

Last updated: 9/13/2024

Additional Defendant Signatures Names And Addresses {AA-ADS 917.1}

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This form is approved by the Illinois Supreme Court and is required to be accepted in all Illinois Circuit Courts. Page 1 of 1 (0/18) STATE OF ILLINOIS , ADDITIONAL DEFENDANT SIGNATURES, NAMES, & ADDRESSES For Court Use Only CIRCUIT COURT COUNTY I nstructions Directly above, enter the name of the county where the case was filed. Plaintiff ( Name of Bank or Mortgage Company ) Enter the name of the bank or mortgage company as Plaintiff. v. Enter your names as Defendants. Enter the Case Number from the Complaint you received. Defendants Case Number Each additional Defendant must sign and print their name, current addresses and phone number. You may not sign on behalf of another Defendant. If the Complaint/Petit ion is verified by oath, then Defendants certify that their answers above are true and correct understand that making a false statement on this form is perjury and has penalties provided by law under 735 ILCS 5/1 - 109 . Where Defendants answer 223Do Not Know224 to p aragraphs in section 2, above, Defendants certify that they do not have enough information to admit or deny the statements in these paragraphs. Defendants understand that making a false statement on this form is perjury 735 ILCS 2475/2-605(a) requires that if the Complaint/Petition is verified by oath that the Answer must also be verified. and has penalties provided by law under 735 ILCS 5/1 - 109 . Defendant Signature Defendant Printed Name 735 ILCS 2475/2-610(b) requires that you swear to a lack of knowledge if you cannot admit or deny any of the statements in the Complaint/Petition. Street Address , Apt # City State ZIP Phone Defendant Signature Defendant Printed Name IL Supreme Court Rule 137 requires Answer/Response be signed. Street Address , Apt # City State ZIP Phone Defendant Signature Defendant Printed Name Street Address , Apt # City State ZIP Phone American LegalNet, Inc.

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