Last updated: 9/26/2018
Counterclaim Against Plaintiff(s) {eForm3.13}
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Small Claims Form 3. 13 : Counterclaim against Plaintiff ( s ) Fe In the Iowa District Court for County Plaintiff(s) (Name) (Name) vs. Defendant(s) (Name) (Name) Counter c laim a gainst Plaintiff(s) Small Claim No. If you need assistance to participate in court due to a disability, call the disability coordinator (information at https://www.iowacourts.gov/for - the - public/ada/ ). Persons who are hearing or speech impaired may call Relay Iowa TTY (1 - 800 - 735 - 2942). Disability coordinators cannot provide legal advice. To Plaintiff(s) : ( List n ame (s) of Plaintiff(s) against whom you are counterclaiming . ) 1. You are notified that D efendant(s) identified below demand(s) from you the am ount of $ , because ( state briefly the basis for the demand , not to exceed $ 6 500 ): 2 . Defendant(s) must electronically file this original Counterclaim with the clerk of court using the Iowa J udicial B ranch Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) at https://www.iowacourts.state .ia.us/EFile , u nless the court has granted Defendant(s) an exemption from electronic filing requirements. 3 . EDMS will serve a copy of the Counterclaim on Plaintiff(s) or on the attorney(s) for Plaintiff(s) . If Plaintiff(s) is (are) exempt from electro nic filing, the clerk of court will provide a copy to Plaintiff(s) or Plaintiff(s) attorney(s). /s/ /s/ Filing Defendant or A ttorney Second Defendant , if applicable Law firm, or entity for which filing is made, if applicable Law firm, or entity for which filing is made, if applicable Mailing a ddress Mailing a ddress Telephone n umber Telephone nu mber Email ad dres s Email a ddress Additional e mail a ddress, if applicable Additional e mail ad dress, if applicable American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com