Last updated: 9/25/2018
Original Notice And Petition For Forcible Entry And Detainer {eForm3.6}
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Small Claims Form 3. 6 : Original Notice and Petition for Forcible Entry and Detainer In the Iowa District Court for County Plaintiff(s) (Name) (Address) (Name) (Address) vs. Defendant(s) (Name) (Address) (Name) (Address) Original Notice and Petition f or Forcible Entry and Detainer ( Iowa Code c hapter 648 ) If you need assistance to participate in court due to a disability, call the disability coordinator (information at https://www.iowacourts.gov/for - the - public/ada/ ). Persons who are hearing or speech impaired may call Relay Iowa TTY (1 - 800 - 735 - 2942). Disability coordinators cannot provide legal advice. To Defendant( s ) : 1. You a re n otified that P laintiff(s) demand(s) from you possession of ( state exact address of real property) : because (state basi s of demand) : 2. Hearing is set for the date, time, and court location listed on the last page of this O riginal N otice and P etition. T he court will electronically record the hearing . If eit her party desires that a certified court report er report the hearing, that party must arrange and pay for the costs of reporting. Failure to appear at the hearing may result in judgment entered against you for possession of the property and court costs. Plaintiff (s) : T he c ourt shall set the date of hearing to occur within 8 days from the fili ng date of the Original Notice unless you check the box below: Plaintiff(s) request ( s ) or consent ( s ) to the c ourt setting the date of hearing to occur no later than 15 days from the filing of t he Original Notice . /s/ /s/ Filing Plaintiff or Attorney Second Plaintiff , if applicable L aw firm, or entity for which filing is made, if applicable L aw firm, or entity for which filing is made, if applicable Mailing a ddress Mailing a ddress Telephone n umber Telephone nu mber Email a ddress Email a ddress Additional em ail a ddress, if applicable Additional e mail a ddress, if applicable Small Claims Form 3.6, page 1 of 2 * American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com