Last updated: 11/30/2016
Application Tax Exemption And Abatement For Residential Rehabilitation Or Conversion {J51}
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NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE INSTRUCTIONS: Applications must be submitted with a Certificate of Eligibility and Reasonable Cost issued by the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development. A separate application must be filed for each certificate. Applications must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the start of the quarter in order to receive benefits for that quarter. For example, to receive benefits starting July 1, we must receive your application by April 30. Mail to: NYC Department of Finance, J-51 - Commercial Exemption Unit, P.O. Box 3120 Church Street Station, New York, NY 10008-3120. TA X E XE MP TI ON AN D A B AT EM EN T F OR RE SI DE NT IA L RE HA BI LI T AT IO N O R C ON VE RS IO N T O M UL TI PL E DW EL LI NG S J-51 APPLICATIO N G COMMERCIAL EXEMPTION UNIT DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE DATE STAMP Applicant City, State 4. Address: _______________________________________ and Zip Code: __________________________________________ Property 5. Address:________________________________________ Borough:________________ 1. Submit data relative to alteration or conversion in the table below: Use Square Foot Area (number and street) (number and street) Daytime E-mail 2. Telephone No.: __________________________________ 3. Address: ____________________________________________ 1. Name of Applicant: ______________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION I - A P P L I C A N T / P R O P E R T Y I N F O R M AT I O N Block:____________ Lot: _______ SECTION I I - B U I L D I N G / S T R U C T U R E I N F O R M AT I O N Total Number of Apartments Total Number of Rooms Commercial Residential Other (Specify)* 2. Was the cubical content of this building increased? ......................................................................................... 3. Has an application been made for any other New York City exemption If "YES," indicate former cubical content: ______________, and present cubical content: ______________ *Specify other use ____________________________________________________________________ K YES K YES K NO K NO or abatement program, either personal or commercial?................................................................................... If "YES," what program(s): ________________________________________________________________ SECTION I I I - C E R T I F I C AT I O N I, _______________________________________________________________, certify that the statements contained in this application, including any attachments to the application, are true to my knowledge. Print Owner/Applicant or Representatives Name Properties with outstanding property taxes, water and sewer charges or other municipal charges in arrears are ineligible to receive J51 benefits. All submitted applications for the J51 exemption and abatement are subject to review in accordance with the laws and policies of New York State and the policies and procedures of the NYC Department of Finance. If any information you have provided on this application changes, you must notify Finance immediately. We recommend that you keep a copy of this application for your records. J-51-ExAppl - 07.31.13 Signature of Applicant or Representative: ___________________________________ Date:_____________________ American LegalNet, Inc.