421a Application Partial Tax Exemption For New Multiple Dwellings {DoF-421a} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New York

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421a Application Partial Tax Exemption For New Multiple Dwellings {DoF-421a} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New York

Last updated: 10/15/2019

421a Application Partial Tax Exemption For New Multiple Dwellings {DoF-421a}

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NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE TM Finance Mail to: NYC Department of Finance, 421a - Commercial Exemption Unit, P.O. Box 3120 Church Street Station, New York, NY 10008-3120. P A R T I A L T A X E X E M P T IO N F OR NE W M UL T I P L E D W E L L IN GS 4 21a A PP LIC A T IO N G COMMERCIAL EXEMPTION UNIT DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE DATE STAMP 2. Site Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State and Zip Code: _______________________________________________________________ Unit #: (if applicable) ______________ 3. Docket Number: (located on the Certificate of Eligibility) 1. Borough: ___________________ SECTION I - S I T E I N F O R M AT I O N Block: ____________________ Lot(s): _________________________________________ 1. Name of Owner/Applicant: ________________________________________________________________________________ Daytime 2. Contact Person: ______________________________________________________ Telephone No.:____________________ City, State Address: __________________________________________ and Zip Code: ______________________________________ 3. Representatives Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ (Note: If a representative is designated, correspondence will only be sent to him or her.) SECTION I I - O W N E R / A P P L I C A N T I N F O R M AT I O N ________________________________________________________________ Fax No.:___________________________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________ Representatives Firm/Business Name: __________________________________________________ (number and street) (number and street) City, State Address: __________________________________________ and Zip Code: ______________________________________ Daytime Telephone No.:____________________ Fax No.:___________________________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________ 1. Will the lot(s) involved in this construction project be apportioned or merged? ............................................... If "YES," please submit a copy of your tentative lot numbers (Form RP-604) with this application. This can be obtained from the City Surveyor. If "YES," what program(s): ________________________________________________________________ SECTION I I I - P R O J E C T I N F O R M AT I O N K YES K YES K YES K NO K NO K NO 2. Has an application been made for any other New York City exemption or abatement program, either personal or commercial?................................................................................... 3. Will this project contain any commercial space? .............................................................................................. Commercial space is defined as any non-residential space, including space allocated for parking, laundry rooms, and common areas (such as lobbies and hallways). SECTION I, _______________________________________________________________, certify that the statements contained in this application, including any attachments to the application, are true to my knowledge. Print Owner/Applicant or Representatives Name I V - C E R T I F I C AT I O N All submitted applications for the 421a exemption are subject to review in accordance with the laws and policies of New York State and the policies and procedures of the NYC Department of Finance. If any information you have provided on this application changes, you must notify Finance immediately. We recommend that you keep a copy of this application for your records. 421a-ExAppl - Rev. 04.11.12 Signature of Applicant or Representative: ___________________________________ Date:_____________________ American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com TM NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Finance P AR TI A L TA X EX E MP T I O N F O R N E W M U L TI P L E DW E L LI N G S OVERVIEW 421a INSTRUCTIONS G COMMERCIAL EXEMPTION UNIT 421a provides a partial property tax exemption for newly constructed multiple dwellings. To obtain this exemption, you must first apply to the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD), which approves such projects. For each approved project, HPD issues two Certificates of Eligibility: a Preliminary Certificate of Eligibility prior to construction and a Final Certificate of Eligibility post construction. Both certificates must be submitted to the Department of Finance, but do not need to be submitted together. Submit each certificate to Finance immediately after it is issued. Your benefits will start once Finance processes your Preliminary Certificate. Projects may receive up to 3 years of benefits during the construction period. Post-construction benefits are for a period of 10, 15, 20, or 25 years. See the Phase-Out Schedule below for post-construction benefits. Please contact HPD for further information on eligibility and benefits. 1) G G G You must file two 421a applications with Finance ­ the first when you receive a Preliminary Certificate of Eligibility for your planned construction, and the second, when you receive the Final Certificate at the completion of the construction. Submit the original Preliminary and Final Certificates of Eligibility issued by the Department of Housing Preservation and Development. Submit a separate 421a application for each certificate. File this application immediately after the certificate is issued. Staten Island projects only: if you are submitting a Preliminary Certificate of Eligibility, include a copy of the deed. NYC Department of Finance 421a-Commercial Exemption Unit P.O. Box 3120 Church Street Station New York, NY 10008-3120 INSTRUCTIONS 2) G Mail completed applications with required documentation to: 3) Applications are accepted throughout the year. BENEFIT YEAR UNCAPPED 10 YEARS (CODE 5110) Do not fax your submissions, as original documents are required. PHASE-OUT SCHEDULE FOR POST-CONSTRUCTION BENEFITS CAPPED 10 YEARS (CODE 5117) UNCAPPED 15 YEARS (CODE 5113) CAPPED 15 YEARS (CODE 5118) 1 .......................100% .........................100% .........................100%..........................100% ........................100% .......................100% 3 .........................80% ...........................80% .........................100%..........................100% ........................100% .......................100% 4 .........................80% ...........................80% .........................100%..................

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