Summons Of Garnishment On A Financial Institution | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

 Georgia   Local County   DeKalb   State Court   Civil 
Summons Of Garnishment On A Financial Institution | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

Last updated: 11/30/2016

Summons Of Garnishment On A Financial Institution

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STATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY Do not use this form if this is a Continuing Garnishment (See O.C.G.A. §§ 18-4-72 and 18-78) or Continuing Garnishment for Child Support or Alimony (See O.C.G.A. §§ 18-4-73 and 18-4-80). Check this box if other allegations are made against a nonjudgment Defendant pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 18-4-23. Check this box if this is a garnishment for child support or alimony. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Case Number _____________________________ Plaintiff (Name & Address) VS Plaintiff's Attorney (Name, Address, Phone & Email) ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Bar Number __________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Defendant (Name & Address) ________________________________________ ________________________________________ _____________________________________ Garnishee (Name & Address) SUMMONS OF GARNISHMENT ON A FINANCIAL INSTITUTION YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to hold immediately all property, money, wages, except what is exempt, belonging to the defendant, including property in safe deposit boxes or similar property that you hold belonging to the defendant named above at the time of service of this summons and including the next 5 days. You are commanded to file your answer in writing, not sooner than five days and not later than15 days after the date you were served with this summons, with the clerk of this court and serve a copy upon the plaintiff or his attorney named above and the Defendant, or the Defendant's Attorney, if known at the time of making such answer. This answer shall state what property, money, and wages, except what is exempt, belonging to the defendant or debts owed to the defendant, you hold or owe at the time of service of this summons. Money including wages, or other property admitted in an answer to be subject to garnishment must be paid or delivered to the Court concurrently with your answer. If in answering this summons, you state that the property of the Defendant includes property in a safe-deposit box or similar property and shall restrict access to any contents of such safe-deposit box or similar property until further order of such Court regarding the disposition of such contents or 120 days from the date of filing your answer unless such time has been extended by the Court, whichever is sooner. Should you fail to file answers as required by this summons, a judgment will be rendered against you for the amount the plaintiff claims due by the defendant 1. $________________ is the amount claimed in the affidavit of garnishment. 2. $________________ plus court cost due on this summons. 3. $________________ total garnishment claimed. WITNESS THE HONORABLE JUDGES OF THIS COURT. This_________________________________ ___________________________________________________, Clerk American LegalNet, Inc. G:\Summons of Financial Institution

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