Last updated: 3/10/2021
Summons Of Continuing Garnishment
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STATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Plaintiff (Name & Address) VS ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Defendant (Name & Address) ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Garnishee (Name & Address) Case Number ________________________ ________________________ Plaintiff's Attorney (Name, Address, Phone & Email) ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Bar Number _____________________________ Summons of Continuing Garnishment YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to hold immediately all property, money, wages, except what is exempt, belonging to the defendant, or debts owed to the defendant named above at the time of service of this summons and between the time of service of this summons to and including the one hundred seventy-ninth day thereafter. Not later than 45 days after you are served with this summons, you are commanded to file your answer in writing with the clerk of this court and serve a copy upon the plaintiff or his attorney named above. This answer shall state what property, money, and wages, except what is exempt, belonging to the defendant or debts owed to the defendant, you hold or owe at the time of service of this summons and between the time of such service and the time of making your first answer. Thereafter, you are required to file further answers no later than 45 days after your last answer. Every further answer shall state what property, money, and wages except what is exempt, belonging to the defendant or debts owed to the defendant, you hold or owe at and from the time of the last answer to the time of the current answer. The last answer required by this summons shall be filed no later than the one hundred ninety-fifth day after you receive this summons. Money or other property admitted in an answer to be subject to continuing garnishment must be delivered to the court with your answers. Should you fail to file answers as required by this summons, a judgment will be rendered against you for the amount the plaintiff claims due by the defendant. WITNESS THE HONORABLE JUDGES OF THIS COURT. This _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________, Clerk NOTICE TO DEFENDANT 1. 2. 3. $ ______________ is the amount claimed in the affidavit of garnishment. $_______________cost of this action. A garnishment against the property and credit of the defendant has been or will be served on the above named garnishee. 1. If you are unfamiliar with Georgia Law regarding this garnishment consult an attorney or otherwise obtain correct information before proceeding in this matter. 2. File your petition with the State Court Clerk's Office, 556 North McDonough St, Decatur, GA 30030. 3. A garnishment against the property and credits of the defendant has been or will be served on the garnishee. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com G:/August 16 Summon of Cont Garn Ntc to Def www.dekalbstatecourt.net.