Notice Of Petition-Objection And Order On Hearing {UJS-147} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Dakota

 South Dakota   Statewide   Guardianship And Conservatorships 
Notice Of Petition-Objection And Order On Hearing {UJS-147} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Dakota

Last updated: 12/9/2016

Notice Of Petition-Objection And Order On Hearing {UJS-147}

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) IN CIRCUIT COURT ) COUNTY OF _________________ ) __________ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ****************************************************************************** In the Matter of the ______________________ ) ____GDN________________ ) of __________________________________, ) NOTICE OF PETITION/OBJECTION ) AND ORDER ON HEARING a Minor Protected Person. ) ****************************************************************************** To the Parties: YOU ARE NOTIFIED, as a party to the above-mentioned matter, that a(n): 1) PETITION TO APPOINT SUCCESSOR ( 2) PETITION TO TERMINATE 3) PETITION TO MODIFY 4) PETITION TO REVOKE 5) PETITION TO RESIGN 6) PETITION FOR HEARING ON GUARDIAN'S REPORT 7) OBJECTION TO CONSERVATOR ACCOUNTING & REQUEST FOR HEARING has been filed with the Court in the above-entitled matter, pursuant to SDCL chapter 29A-5. A copy of said Petition(s)/Objection(s) is attached to this Notice. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED there shall be a hearing on the Petition(s)/Objection(s) on the ______ day of ____________________, 20_____, at ___________ ___.M., in the ___________________ County Courthouse, in ____________________ (courtroom), in ____________________, South Dakota. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED the request for hearing is denied. Dated: ________________ ______, 20____ BY THE COURT: Guardian Conservator Guardian&Conservator) STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA ____________________________________ Circuit Judge ATTEST: UJS-147 Notice of Petition/Objection and Order on Hearing Rev. 05/2016 American LegalNet, Inc. AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING The undersigned hereby certifies that a true and correct copy of the Notice of Hearing was mailed to: On this ____ day of ______________, 20____ UJS-147 Notice of Petition/Objection and Order on Hearing Rev. 05/2016 American LegalNet, Inc.

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