Last updated: 1/24/2017
Order Appointing Child Custody Expert {CCLF-FC 011}
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STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION FILE NO.: ___-CVD-___________ Plaintiff, vs. ORDER APPOINTING CHILD CUSTODY EXPERT (CCE) Defendant _________________________________ This matter was heard to consider custody and visitation issues concerning the following child(ren): _________________________________, born _______, ; _________________________________, born ; _________________________________, born . _________________________________, born It is in the child(ren)'s best interests, and expedient to the administration of justice that a Child Custody Expert be appointed to investigate and report on issues regarding the best interests of the child(ren) in these matters. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that: 1. Pursuant to Rule 706 of the North Carolina Rules of Evidence and Rule 10A of the Cumberland County ,an attorney, is hereby appointed Domestic Relations Case Management Plan, as the Child Custody Expert (CCE) for the minor child(ren) of the parties. 2. The Child Custody Expert (CCE) shall investigate and report on the child(ren)'s best interest in all custody and visitation matters. Their responsibilities shall include the following: a. To receive, review or copy documents concerning the child(ren), whether or not the document is otherwise confidential; b. To investigate and determine the facts, the child(ren)'s needs and the resources available to meet those needs and to present that information at Court hearings; c. To provide a written report to the attorneys of record within ninety (90) days of appointment disclosing all sources of information provided. Said report shall be provided a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to trial. d. To collect and present to the Court, to aid in custody and visitation determinations all available reports, evaluations, and other information regarding the child(ren); 3. The Child Custody Expert is further authorized to review and receive all information, records and reports concerning the child(ren) and the parties to this action, including medical and educational, wherever located, whether confidential or not, that may in their opinions be relevant to this action. The CCE is authorized to speak with the child(ren)'s teachers, health care providers, mental health providers or other individuals who have confidentiality requirements. CCLF-FC-011 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com 4. All agencies and the parties are hereby ordered to cooperate with the Child Custody Expert (CCE) appointed herein in the fulfillment of these responsibilities. 5. The Child Custody Expert (CCE) shall not disclose any information about the child(ren) or the child(ren)'s family except to the extent necessary to fulfill the duties and responsibilities imposed by this Order. 6. This appointment shall continue pending further order of the Court. CCE by (date) to the 7. The parties shall pay a deposit/retainer of $ _________________________________, at ________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________. Defendant shall pay $ Plaintiff shall pay $ Intervenor shall pay $_______________ and 8. Once the retainer has been exhausted, fees calculated at a rate of _____ per hour shall be paid periodically whenever a statement and fee affidavit are presented to the parties by the CCE. All fees will be subject to review and enforcement by this court. THE CCE SHALL NOT PERFORM MORE THAN _____HOURS OF WORK WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE COURT. This the day of , 20__ . _________________________________________ District Court Judge Presiding cc: Plaintiff's Counsel/Plaintiff Defendant's Counsel/Defendant Internenor's Counsel/Intervenor CCLF-FC-011 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com