Last updated: 11/15/2024
Domestic Case Motion For Continuance {CCLF-FC-007}
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CCLF-FC-007 - DOMESTIC CASE MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE. This form is used in Cumberland County, North Carolina, to request a continuance in a domestic case in District Court. A continuance postpones the hearing or trial to a later date. The attorney or self-represented party filing the motion must specify the reasons for the request, the issues to be continued, and any prior continuances granted in the case. The court will review the motion and decide whether to grant or deny it based on the reason provided and compliance with local rules. If granted, the new court date for the continued issues will be set and noted on the form. The opposing party's agreement or objection to the continuance must also be indicated. Cumberland County Domestic Rule 14B. www.FormsWorkflow.com