Last updated: 2/23/2017
Proof Of Service Of Petition-Application Adult Crimes {CR-148}
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ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: NAME: FIRM NAME: STREET ADDRESS: CITY: TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS: ATTORNEY FOR (name): STATE BAR NO.: FOR COURT USE ONLY STATE: FAX NO.: ZIP CODE: PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA vs. DEFENDANT: PROOF OF SERVICE PETITION/APPLICATION, ADULT CRIME(S) (Health and Safety Code, § 11361.8) DATE OF BIRTH CASE NUMBER: PROOF OF SERVICE Personal Service 1. Person serving: I am over the age of 18 and not a party to this action. (1) Name: (2) Address: (3) Telephone: Service by Mail 2. I served a copy of the Petition/Application for Resentencing or Reduction to Infraction as follows (check one): a. Personal Service: I personally delivered the Petition/Application for Resentencing or Reduction to Infraction to the person at the address listed below: (1) Name of person served: (2) Address where served: (3) Date Served: (4) Time Served: ______________________________________________ AM PM b. Service by Mail: I deposited the Petition/Application for Resentencing or Reduction to Infraction in the United States mail, in a sealed envelope with first class postage fully prepaid. The envelope was addressed as follows: (1) Name of person served: (2) Address: (3) Date of Mailing: (4) Place of Mailing (city and state): I declare to the best of my information and belief that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: (Signature of Declarant) (Printed Name of Declarant) Eff. 11/2016 Optional Use PROOF OF SERVICE OF PETITION/APPLICATION Health and Safety Code section 11361.8 Local Form CR-148 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com