Application For Real Property Equity Bond And Declaration Of Property Owner(s) {CR-150} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

 California   Local County   El Dorado   Criminal 
Application For Real Property Equity Bond And Declaration Of Property Owner(s) {CR-150} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 3/28/2017

Application For Real Property Equity Bond And Declaration Of Property Owner(s) {CR-150}

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SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF EL DORADO ) ) Plaintiff(s) ) ) vs. ) ) ) ) Defendant(s) ) ___________________________________ ) The People of the State of California Case Number : ____________________ APPLICATION FOR REAL PROPERTY EQUITY BOND AND DECLARATION OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) Hearing Date: ______________ Time: ____________________ Department:________________ 1. The defendant above named, having been arrested, has had bail set in the amount of $____________. 2. I/We desire to post a "property bond" consisting of real estate equity pursuant to the provisions of section 1298 of the Penal Code. 3. I/We own real property located at _________________________________________, which has a present market value of $___________, the legal description of which is provided on Attachment A. 4. The property is subject to liens and encumbrances totaling $______________, which are listed on Attachment B. Statements from all persons who have liens and encumbrances against the property verifying how much is presently owed on the property and that all such obligations are current are also attached. 5. The property has/has not been previously qualified for such property bail bond within the prior 12 months (in the amount of $___________, not exonerated). 6. Also attached to this declaration is an original Preliminary Title Report issued by a California Title Company, and proof of required fire insurance showing the County of El Dorado as an additional insured. 7. Upon the courts receipt of the above mentioned documents and filing of this Application I/we will serve a copy of all documents to the District Attorney and County Counsel as notice of the hearing and file a proof of service with the court. 8. I/We agree to maintain the insurance on the property and keep all property taxes and obligations listed in paragraph 4 current while the property bond is in force. I/We further agree not to further encumber the property without prior court approval. I/WE UNDERSTAND THAT IN THE EVENT THAT THE PERSON FOR WHOM THIS BOND IS TO BE POSTED FAILS TO MAKE ANY NECESSSARY COURT APPEARANCE, THE PROPERTY MAY BE SOLD TO SATISFY PAYMENT OF THE AMOUNT OF THE BAIL. I/We declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. ___________________________________ Signature of Property Owner __________________________________ (Type Name) ___________________________________ Signature of Property Owner __________________________________ (Type Name) Local Form CR-150 Mandatory Use Form Eff. 03/17/2017 1 APPLICATION FOR REAL PROPERTY BOND AND DECLARATION OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) American LegalNet, Inc.

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