Last updated: 3/28/2017
Petition And Order For Reinstatement (Case Not Closed) {PC 603}
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Approved, SCAO PCS CODE: REI TCS CODE: REI STATE OF MICHIGAN PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF In the matter of PETITION AND ORDER FOR REINSTATEMENT (CASE NOT CLOSED) FILE NO. First, middle, and last name USE NOTE: If the estate was closed under MCR 5.203, use forms PC 607 and PC 605 PETITION 1.Iwassuspendedasfiduciaryinthismatterbecauseofmyfailureto fileaninventory. submitinventoryfeeinformation. fileanaccount. fileanannualreportontheconditionoflegallyincapacitatedindividual. fileanannualreportontheconditionofminor. fileanannualreportontheconditionofdevelopmentallydisabledindividual. . Iamnowcorrectingthatdeficiency. 2. The case was not closed under MCR 5.203(D). 3.Theinterestedpersons,addresses,andtheirrepresentativesarethesameasthosewhowerenotifiedofmysuspension, except as follows: (Foreachpersonwhoseaddresschanged,listthenameandnewaddress;attachseparatesheetifnecessary.) 4. I REQUESTthatIbereinstatedas Title . Ideclareunderthepenaltiesofperjurythatthispetitionhasbeenexaminedbymeandthatitscontentsaretruetothebestof myinformation,knowledge,andbelief. Date Petitionersignature Petitionername(typeorprint) Address City,state,zipTelephoneno. (SEE SECOND PAGE) USE NOTE: If this form is being filed in the circuit court family division, please enter the court name and county in the upper left-hand corner of the form. Do not write below this line - For court use only PC 603 (9/16) PETITION AND ORDER FOR REINSTATEMENT (CASE NOT CLOSED) American LegalNet, Inc. MCR 5.203(D) Petition and Order for Reinstatement (Case Not Closed) (9/16) File No. ORDER FOR REINSTATEMENT THE COURT FINDS: 5.Noticeofhearingwasgiventoorwaivedbyallinterestedpersons. 6.Thecasewasnotclosedandthefiduciary IT IS ORDERED: 7. Name has hasnot correctedthedeficiency. is reinstated as Title . 8. The petition is denied. Date JudgeBarno. Attorneysignature Name(typeorprint)Barno. Address City,state,zipTelephoneno. American LegalNet, Inc.