Last updated: 7/28/2023
Order To Change Venue {PC 608o}
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PC 608o - ORDER TO CHANGE VENUE. This form is used in Michigan's Probate Court to issue an order to change the venue of a case to another court. The form includes information about the case, such as the case number and filing date. It also specifies the reason for changing the venue, which could be due to improper venue, convenience of the parties or witnesses, or other applicable court rules. The order may indicate whether filing fees have been waived or whether the party responsible for the fees in the receiving court should pay them within a specific time frame. It also mentions the process for preparing the case records for transfer to the receiving court and forwarding any jury fee that has already been paid. The form includes a section for the judge's signature and date of the order. Additionally, there is a notice of refusal of transfer that the clerk can use if the order lacks the necessary information for the receiving court to accept the transfer. Approved, SCAO. MCL 600.856, MCR 2.222, MCR 2.223, MCR 2.226, MCR 5.128. www.FormsWorkflow.com