Progress Report And Follow-Up {JU 13.0610} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Washington

 Washington   Statewide   Juvenile Court   Truancy 
Progress Report And Follow-Up {JU 13.0610} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Washington

Last updated: 4/26/2017

Progress Report And Follow-Up {JU 13.0610}

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Superior Court of Washington County of _______________________ Juvenile Court (School District) vs. Respondent(s) Student Student's ___/___/___ Parent(s) D.O.B. Petitioner No: Progress Report and Follow-up (RPT) [ (Name of School) ] I. Basis A truancy petition was filed by the __________________ School District concerning the above-named student. The court entered a truancy order on ________________(date). The court: ordered the School District to file a progress report every ___ month(s). This is the first report, which was due on __________________ (date). granted a ____ day continuance to allow the school district the opportunity to complete a number of interventions intended to eliminate or reduce the student's absence from school. II. Report To date, the school district has undertaken the following: adjusted schedule adjusted student's program course changes vocational classes work experience arranged transportation changes ESL evaluation and assessment undertaken arranged for morning calls PROGRESS RPT AND FOLLOW-UP (RPT) ­ Page 1 of 2 WPF JU 13.0610 (06/2016) - RCW 28A.225.035(8), CR 77(k) American LegalNet, Inc. provided tutoring offered special school district programs: alternative school placement retention & retrieval programs counseling other provided individualized remedial instruction conducted home visits or conference contacted community agencies providing repositioned staff to school districts or school sites. Please list: made a special education referral (Focus of Concern): testing completed held Multi-Disciplinary Team Meeting Other: contacted the student's probation officer (name of p.o.) ______________________ contacted local police department Since the petition was filed the truancy order was entered the last report was filed, the student has had additional unexcused absences on: . The student's academic status is now: _______________________________________________. Please attach any other statements or documents describing interventions taken by the school district, the student's current academic status, and the student's records of attendance. The next progress report is due on ___________________ (date). I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Signed on _______________________ at ______________________________________, Washington. _____________________________________ Signature _____________________________________ Print name _____________________________________ Address _____________________________________ PROGRESS RPT AND FOLLOW-UP (RPT) ­ Page 2 of 2 WPF JU 13.0610 (06/2016) - RCW 28A.225.035(8), CR 77(k) American LegalNet, Inc.

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