Petition Regarding Truancy {JU 13.0100} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Washington

 Washington   Statewide   Juvenile Court   Truancy 
Petition Regarding Truancy {JU 13.0100} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Washington

Last updated: 1/28/2022

Petition Regarding Truancy {JU 13.0100}

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PT REGARDING TRUANCY (PTTRU) - Page 1 of 4 WPF JU 13.0100 (06/2016) - RCW 28A.225.020, .030, .035, .090(1) SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF JUVENILE COURT (School District) Petitioner vs. Respondent(s) Student Student222s D.O.B. // Parent(s) No: Petition Regarding Truancy (PTTRU) [] (Name of School) The petitioner, the School District, requests that this court assume jurisdiction over the truancy of the student parent(s) and issue an order compelling school attendance and such other relief under RCW 28A.225.090 as the court may order. Pursuant to RCW 28A.225.030 this petition has been filed upon the student222s: seventh absence within one month. tenth absence within the school year. I. Identification of the Respondents 1.1 Identification of the student: Name Date of Birth Sex Race/Ethnicity Mailing Address Fluent Language(s) Individual E ducation P rogram (IEP) ? Yes No. If yes, what program? Current A cademic S tatus FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Juv. Ref. No: American LegalNet, Inc. PT REGARDING TRUANCY (PTTRU) - Page 2 of 4 WPF JU 13.0100 (06/2016) - RCW 28A.225.020, .030, .035, .090(1) 1.2 Identification of parent (name) Name Mailing Address Fluent Language(s) 1.3 Identification of parent (name) Name Mailing Address Fluent Language ( s ) 1.4 The student has had the following unexcused absences during the current school year: Date school year begins and ends : Student222s grade : Number of credits earned: Number of unexcused absences : Dates of unexcused absences: Copies of the attendance reports are attached. II. Basis 2.1 The respondent student resides within the School District and is subject to the requirements of the Compulsory School Attendance Law (RCW 28A.225). 2.2 The school district has informed the respondents of the requirements of the Compulsory School Attendance Law and of the potential consequences to each respondent of non-compliance with the law. 2.3 The school district has taken the following actions to eliminate or reduce the child222s absences from school (RCW 28A.225.020): Informed the parent(s)/guardian that the student has been absent without excuse. in writing on: by phone: Scheduled a conference with the student and parent(s)/guardian after a second absence without excuse. The conference was scheduled for (date). The result of the conference was: . Student failed to attend. Parent(s)/guardian failed to attend. Further, the school district has undertaken the following data-informed actions to eliminate or reduce the student222s absences: a pplied the Washington A ssessment of the R isks and N eeds of S tudents (WARNS ) and , where appropriate, provided approved best practice or research-based intervention consistent with the WARNS profile, as provided in the attached assessment or as listed below: American LegalNet, Inc. PT REGARDING TRUANCY (PTTRU) - Page 3 of 4 WPF JU 13.0100 (06/2016) - RCW 28A.225.020, .030, .035, .090(1) adjusted schedule provided tutoring adjusted student222s program offered special school district program s: course changes alternative school placement vocational classes retention & retrieval programs work experience counseling arranged transportation changes other ESL evaluation and assessment undertaken provided in dividualized remedial instruction arranged for morning calls conducted home visits or conference made a special education referral (Focus of Concern): testing completed contacted the student222s probation officer (name of p.o.) held Multi - Disciplinary Team Meeting contacted local police department Other: . Did the school district enter into an agreement with the student and parent(s) that establishes school attendance requirements? no yes, attached is a copy of the agreement. Did the school district refer the student to a community truancy board? no yes, attached is a copy of the agreement. 2.4 The above-described actions have not been successful in substantially reducing the respondent student222s unexcused absences from school and court intervention is necessary to assist the school district in reducing the student222s unexcused absences from school. 2.5 The following circumstances and behavior of the student demonstrate that testing for use of controlled substances or alcohol would help the student's compliance with the mandatory attendance law: . 2.6 Other juvenile court matters involving the student known to the school district: 223At - Risk - Youth224 petition (cause number) : 223Child In Need of Services224 petition (cause number) : Juvenile Offenses (cause numbers) : Depe ndency (cause number) : 2.7 Based upon the foregoing, the school district alleges that: The respondent student is in violation of the Compulsory School Attendance Law in that he/she has at least seven unexcused absences within one month or ten unexcused absences during the current school year. The respondent parent(s) is/are in violation of the Compulsory School Attendance Law in that he/she has/have not exercised reasonable diligence in causing the respondent student to regularly attend school. F urther opportunity to intervene with the respondents may result in successfully addressing the respondent student222s truant behavior. American LegalNet, Inc. PT REGARDING TRUANCY (PTTRU) - Page 4 of 4 WPF JU 13.0100 (06/2016) - RCW 28A.225.020, .030, .035, .090(1) Other: . III. RELIEF REQUESTED 3.1 The school district requests that the court: Stay this proceedin g , and r efer the respondent ( s ) to the community truancy board. Set a date and time for a court hearing to consider this petition. Interpreter services in language hearing impaired are required for child parent(s). IV. DECLARATION 4.1 I, am employed as a by the School District. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington that the above information is true and accurate and that the School District has complied with the statutory requirements of RCW 28A.225.020. I further declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington that I am a custodian of or supervisor over the attendance records of this student. That these records are kept in the ordinary course of the business of said school and school district, are records that are made near or at the time of the taking of attendance and are relied on by the school and school district for all purposes relating to attendance and truancy. Signed on at , Washington. Signature Print Name Address Attached to and incorporated by reference to this petition are the following: Attendance Re cords Student222s School Registration Form(s) Copies of all letters sent to parents/guardians Notices of suspension Witness list for hearing File Petition at: County Superior Court Address City, State Zip American LegalNet, Inc.

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