Notice Of Intervention As A Matter Or Right {ADO-402} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Minnesota

 Minnesota   Statewide   District Court   Adoption 
Notice Of Intervention As A Matter Or Right {ADO-402} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Minnesota

Notice Of Intervention As A Matter Or Right {ADO-402}

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State of Minnesota County District Court Judicial District: Court File Number: Case Type: Adoption In Re the Petition of: , Petitioner and , Petitioner To Adopt: . (child's current name) To: The Court The Parties or, if represented, their attorneys Notice of Intervention as a Matter or Right Pursuant to Rule 21.01 of the Rules of Adoption Procedure, this is to notify you that I am intervening as a party in the above-referenced adoption matter. 1. My name is: First Name My address is: Street Address City State Apt. No. Zip Code Last Name 2. I have a right to intervene in this adoption matter because my relationship with the child is as follows (check all that apply and fill in other information): I am the child who is the subject of the adoption matter. I am a representative of child's Indian Tribe. I am a representative of the Social Services Agency (if not the petitioner). 3. I will automatically become a party to this Adoption Matter unless within ten (10) days of the date of service of this notice an existing party or the county attorney serves and files a written objection to my intervention challenging the factual basis for my intervention. Upon receipt of a written objection, the court will schedule the matter for hearing and will notify all parties of the date and time of such hearing. Dated: Signature of Person Intervening American LegalNet, Inc. ADO402 State ENG 7/15 Page 1 of 1

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