Notice Of Order Appointing Receiver (Receivership Estate) {MC 439} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Notice Of Order Appointing Receiver (Receivership Estate) {MC 439} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Notice Of Order Appointing Receiver (Receivership Estate) {MC 439}

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Approved, SCAO Original - Court 1st copy - Defendant 2nd copy - Plaintiff 3rd copy - Receiver STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL CIRCUIT JUDICIAL DISTRICT COUNTY PROBATE Court address NOTICE OF ORDER APPOINTING RECEIVER (RECEIVERSHIP ESTATE) CASE NO. Court telephone no. Plaintiff(s) name(s), address(es), and telephone no(s). Defendant(s) name(s), address(es), and telephone no(s). v Plaintiff's attorney, bar no., address, and telephone no. Defendant's attorney, bar no., address, and telephone no. Probate In the matter of YOU ARE NOTIFIED: On Date , the court appointed Name of receiver as receiver for the receivership estate described below. Description of Receivership Estate Name and Address of Person/Entity with Recorded Interest in Receivership Estate Date Signature of receiver/authorized agent of receiver Name (type or print) Address City, state, zip Telephone no. CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I certify that on this date I served a copy of this notice on the parties or their attorneys and all persons or entities named above as having a recorded interest in the receivership estate by first-class mail addressed to their last-known addresses in accordance with MCR 2.107(C)(3). Date Signature American LegalNet, Inc. MC 439 (12/15) NOTICE OF ORDER APPOINTING RECEIVER (RECEIVERSHIP ESTATE) MCR 2.622(D)(2)

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