Juror Summons {4-602A} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New Mexico

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Juror Summons {4-602A} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New Mexico

Last updated: 9/13/2018

Juror Summons {4-602A}

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4-602A. Juror summons. [For use with Rules 1-047, 2-603, 3-603 NMRA] COURTJURY SUMMONS[Street Address]PLEASE BRING SUMMONS[City, NM, Zip Code]TO ALL APPEARANCESSTATE OF NEW MEXICOFOR QUESTIONS CALL:COUNTY OF TO:[Name][Telephone Number][Juror name][Street Address][City, State, Zip Code][USPS Bar Code]SUMMONS TO JURY SERVICEPor favor preste atenci363n a lo siguiente: Si no le es posible leer o llenar estos formularios, llameal n372mero telef363nico indicado en la primera p341gina del citatorio para servir como jurado. Estosformularios est341n disponibles en espa361ol en (insert web address).In accordance with the law, Sections 38-5-1 and 38-5-10 NMSA 1978, you have been selectedfor jury service. Your term of service is from (date) through (date).Your Juror Badge Number is: Your Juror Group Number is: In order to comply with this summons you must go to (insert web address) tocomplete and submit your online Juror Questionnaire and Qualification forms by (insert date forms are due). If you do not have internet access, you must call our office at (insert telephone number from top of page) by (insert date to be determined).Any person willfully failing to complete and submit these forms may be punished forcontempt of court. Any person willfully failing to appear at the time ordered by the courtmay be punished under Section 38-5-10 NMSA 1978. Both contempt of court and failure toappear are criminal charges that may result in jail time, a fine, or both. The court complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and provides signed and spokenlanguage interpreters at no cost to jurors. The court will make reasonable accommodations forjurors with special needs. Please notify the court at (insert telephone number fromtop of page) of your need for an accommodation for a disability or for a signed or spokenlanguage interpreter by (insert same date forms are due). American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Witness the Honorable (Judge222s name) of the (court name) andthe Seal of the Court, this (date).[SPACE RESERVED FOR A CUSTOMIZED MESSAGE FROM INDIVIDUAL COURTS]PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION CAREFULLY. RETAINTHIS PAGE FOR YOUR RECORDS. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com General Information and Instructions for JurorsTHE RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY IS GUARANTEED TO ALL PERSONS BY BOTH THEUNITED STATES AND NEW MEXICO CONSTITUTIONS. THE SUCCESS OF THEJURY SYSTEM DEPENDS UPON CITIZENS PERFORMING THEIR SOLEMN DUTY TOSERVE AS JURORS, WHILE ACTING WITH INTEGRITY IN DISCHARGING THISRESPONSIBILITY.Reporting an Emergency AbsenceIt is very important that you report as directed for jury service. Only the most urgent, unexpected,and unavoidable emergencies can be considered as valid reasons for your absence. If you MUSTbe absent, you MUST call the number at the bottom of this page as soon as possible. If you fail toreport or call in, an order to show cause why you should not be held in contempt of court may beissued.Travel and Medical AppointmentsWe understand that some jurors may have conflicts that occur during their term of service. We strive to accommodate all jurors. You ONLY need to notify the court if your preplannedvacation, work-related travel, or medical appointments CONFLICT with the dates you arescheduled to appear. Please send this information in writing to the court including your name,Juror Badge Number, telephone number, and any other information necessary to expedite yourrequest. Telephone calls or messages regarding these types of conflicts will not be acceptedexcept in emergencies.Meals will not be provided by the court, nor will meals be reimbursed, unless jurors aredeliberating at the close of the case during the lunch hour or after 5:00 p.m.Dress Please dress comfortably but befitting the dignity of the court. Shorts, hats, sunglasses, tank tops, bare midriffs, sweats, and similar dress are not allowed. Men are not required to wearcoats and ties, nor are women required to wear similar business attire. Due to the variabletemperature in the courtroom it is recommended that you dress in layers.Juror Fees and PaymentsThe court is authorized by Supreme Court order to reimburse for jury service at the rate of$ per hour (insert current rate). In addition, if your round-trip mileage from your home tothe courthouse is more than forty (40) miles, you will be paid at $ per mile (insert currentrate). Mileage is computed based on the information you provide on the juror qualification formand your mailing ZIP code. Checks will be mailed to your mailing address. Your payment cannotbe split between hourly and mileage reimbursement. Reimbursement payments take about six (6)weeks to process. If you have not received payment within ten (10) weeks of jury service, pleasecall the number at the bottom of this page.Employers are not required by law to pay employees for time spent in jury service. Contact youremployer regarding its policy. The court does not compensate those employed by the public American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com schools, local government, or the State of New Mexico. NO CITIZEN IS EXEMPT FROM JURY SERVICE BECAUSE OF HIS OR HER JOB,RACE, ETHNICITY, RELIGION, SEX, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEXUALORIENTATION, ECONOMIC STATUS, OR LACK OF ENGLISH PROFICIENCY. Request for Postponement: If the date scheduled for your service will create a severe hardshipfor you, you may request a postponement and must complete and submit ALL forms. Pleasespecify your reasons for requesting a postponement and submit the completed forms by the datenoted above. Your request will be reviewed by the court, and you will be notified of the decision. Be assured that the court will work with you around scheduled vacations, medical appointments,etc., whenever possible.Request for Excusal: If you have an extreme mental, physical, or financial hardship thatprevents you from serving as a juror, you may request an excusal and must complete and submitALL forms. See Section 38-5-1(A) NMSA 1978. Please specify your reasons for requesting anexcusal and submit the completed forms by the date noted above. You also must submit a letterfrom a healthcare provider with any request for excusal for medical reasons. Until you havereceived notification from the court, you are not excused.Request for Exemption: If you have served on a jury in state or federal court in the past three(3) years or are seventy-five (75) years of age or older, you may request an exemption from juryservice and must complete and submit ALL forms. If you are requesting an exemption based onage you must also submit an affidavit form. See Sections 38-5-2(A) and (B) NMSA 1978. Untilyou have received notification from the court, you are not exempted.Employment Protections: State law prohibits your employer from penalizing you for your juryservice. See Sections 38-5-18 and -19 NMSA 1978.All Jury Service Statutes Cited in This Summons Can Be Found Online at (insert web address) First Step to Successful Jury ServiceFill out all forms. Please answer all questions, taking special care to provide the court with contactinformation. Submit the completed forms by the dates listed under 223SUMMONS TO JURYSERVICE.224[Adopted by Supreme Court Order No. 17-8300-016, effective December 31, 2017.] American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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