Last updated: 12/11/2018
Order For Service Of Process By Publication Guardianship {4-209B}
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4-209B[District Court Civil Rule 1-004]STATE OF NEW MEXICOCOUNTY OF JUDICIAL DISTRICTNo. , Plaintiffv., DefendantORDER FOR SERVICE OF PROCESSBY PUBLICATION IN A NEWSPAPER(guardianship proceedings)1Petitioner has filed a motion requesting that the court approve service of process upon (name of each person to be served) by publication in anewspaper of general circulation.The court finds that the petitioner has made diligent efforts to make personal service, but hasnot been able to complete service of process. The last known address of (name of person to be served) is .The court further finds that the newspaper of general circulation in this county is (name of newspaper) [and that this newspaper is most likely to givethe defendant notice of the pendency of the action]2 [and in the county of ,State of , a newspaper most likely to give notice of the pendency of thisproceeding to the person to be served is: (name ofnewspaper)].THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the petitioner serve process on by publication once a week for three consecutive weeks in the (newspaper) [and once a week for three consecutive weeksin (newspaper) in (county)]1. The [plaintiff] [petitioner]shall file a proof of service with a copy of the affidavit of publication when service has beencompleted.The notice shall include a statement that the action involves the guardianship of (name of child), born (date) to (mother's name).Dated this day of , . American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com 2District Judge USE NOTE1.This form is used in guardianship proceedings.2.Use applicable alternative. Unless the newspaper of general circulation in the countywhere the action is pending is most likely to give notice of the pendency of the actionto the person to be served, the notice must also be published in a newspaper ofgeneral circulation in the county where the person to be served is most likely to getnotice.[Provisionally approved, effective August 15, 2003 until August 31, 2004; approved,October 14, 2004.] American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com