Findings Of Fact Conclusions Of Law And Judgment (Judge DiBella) {WES-FFCLJ} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New York

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Findings Of Fact Conclusions Of Law And Judgment (Judge DiBella) {WES-FFCLJ} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New York

Last updated: 9/19/2019

Findings Of Fact Conclusions Of Law And Judgment (Judge DiBella) {WES-FFCLJ}

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FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND JUDGMENT. This form is a court order in a guardianship proceeding under New York's Mental Hygiene Law, Article 81. It details the court's findings, conclusions of law, and judgment regarding the appointment of a guardian for a person deemed in need of such due to incapacity. The court file is sealed for privacy, but the appointed guardian(s), case counsel, and court examiner can access it. The form includes various sections to record the presence and consent of the person in need of a guardian (PING), the necessity of a guardian for personal or financial management, the eligibility of the appointed guardian(s), and the scope and duration of the guardianship. It outlines the specific powers granted to the guardian(s) over the PING's property and personal needs, such as managing finances, making healthcare decisions, and determining living arrangements. The form also includes provisions for filing reports and accountings with the court, the compensation of the guardian(s), and other administrative details, like notifying specific parties about the PING's death and funeral arrangements.

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