Last updated: 1/16/2020
Ex Parte Motion For Hearing To Identify Debtors Property {1301DCJ}
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1301DC J Approved April 16, 2018 / Revised May 1, 2019 Property Page 1 of 2 Name Address City, State, Zip Phone Check your email. You will receive information and documents at this email address. Email I am [ ] Plaintiff/Petitioner [ ] Defendant/Respondent [ ] Plaintiff/Petitioner [ ] Defenda nt/Respondent Attorney (Utah Bar #: ) In the [ ] District [ ] Justice Court of Utah Judicial District County Court Address Plaintiff /Petitioner v. Defendant /Respondent Ex Parte Motion for Hearing to ( Utah Rule of Civil Procedure 64(c) ) Case Number Judge Commissioner (domestic cases) 1. On (date) judgment in the amount of $ was entered against [ ] plaintiff/petitioner [ ] defendant/respondent, who is the judgment debtor. 2. The judgment debtor has not fully satisfied this judgment. 3. I do not have enough information about the property to fully collect the judgment. 4. I ask the court to schedule a hearing and order the debtor to attend and answer under oath records about employment, bank accounts, vehicles, real property, business American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com 1301DC J Approved April 16, 2018 / Revised May 1, 2019 Property Page 2 of 2 entities and any other property in which the debtor has an interest. (Utah Rule of Civil Procedure 64(c)(2)). 5. I will serve the Answers to Questions About Judgment form with the order scheduling the hearing. If the debtor serves Answers to Questions About Judgment form on me at least 3 business days before the hearing, and if I am satisfied that the debtor has answered the questions fully and truthfully, I will cancel the hearing and notify the debtor of the cancellation. 6. I ask the court to order the judgment debtor not to sell, transfer or dispose of the -exempt property. (Utah Rule of Civil Procedure 64(c)(3)). I declare under criminal penalty under the law of Utah that everything stated in this document is true . Signed at (city, and state or country). Sign atu Date Printed Name American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com