Statement Of Claim For Replevin {7.336} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Florida

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Statement Of Claim For Replevin {7.336} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Florida

Last updated: 3/24/2020

Statement Of Claim For Replevin {7.336}

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IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE ___________ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ___________________ COUNTY, FLORIDA Plaintiff(s), -vs- Defendant(s). ) ) ) ,) ) ) ) ) ) ) ,) ) STATEMENT OF CLAIM FOR Case No. Judge Plaintiff (s), Defendant(s), 1. This is an action to recover possession of personal property. 2. The description of the property is: , sue(s) , and allege(s): 3. To Plaintiff's best knowledge, information and belief the value of the property is $________________ and its location is ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Plaintiff is the owner of the claimed property or is entitled to possession of it by virtue of the following source of title, or right of possession: ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________. (If interest is based on a written instrument a copy is atached.) 5. Property cannot be released by the defendant without a court order, or the property is wrongfully detained by the defendant who obtained possession by: __________________________________________________________ __ ___________________________________________________________________________________________. 6. To Plaintiff's best knowledge, information and belief, defendant detains property because: ___________ ___ ___________________________________________________________________________________________. Statement Of Claim For Return Of Property {7.335} Page 1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. 7. The property has not been taken for any tax, assessment, or fine pursuant to law, nor has it been taken under an execution or attachment against the plainrtiff's property, or if so taken, it is by law exempt from such taking by the following reference to the exemption law relied upon: ________________________________________________. 8. Written demand for return of the property was provided to Defendant and (if Defendant is not a municpality) also to the Department of Financial Services at least 90 days prior to the filing of this Complaint. Section 768.28(6)(s), Florida, Statues. A copy of the demand is attached thereto. 9. The property is not contraband, was not the fruit of criminal activity, and is not being held for some evidentiary purposes. 10. The property came into possession of the Defendant on or about ________________________. 11. Plaintff has the legal right to possess the property and is not subject to any legal prohibition against such possession. Pursuant to section 92.525, Florida Statutes, under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing Statement of Claim and the facts stated in it are true. The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of , 20 , by , who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did did not take an oath. WITNESS my hand and official seal, on . NOTARY PUBLIC State of Florida My commission expires: Statement Of Claim For Return Of Property {7.335} American LegalNet, Inc.

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