Satisfaction Of Judgment {7.347} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Florida

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Satisfaction Of Judgment {7.347} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Florida

Last updated: 2/28/2008

Satisfaction Of Judgment {7.347}

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IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR ___________________ COUNTY, FLORIDA ______________________ DIVISION , Plaintiff(s), -vs- , Defendant(s). ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT The judgment undersigned, the owner and holder of that certain final judgment in the above-captioned civil action, dated ____________________, recorded in _____________________County, Official Records Book _____ beginning at Page ____, does hereby acknowledge that all sums due under it have been fully paid and that final judgment is hereby satisfied and is canceled and satisfied of record. DATED on ____________________ Judgment Owner and Holder Attorney for Judgment Owner and Holder NOTE: Notarization is prudent but not required. If a certified copy of the judgment is recorded, it may be prudent to include that recording information. This form is suggested for use by parties. To avoid possible confusion, when disbursing funds from the court registry insatisfaction of a judgment, the clerk of the court should instead use the form required by the 2005 amendment to section 55.141, Florida Statutes. Satisfaction of Judgment {7.347} American LegalNet, Inc.

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