Last updated: 5/27/2020
Parenting Plan For Joint Or Sole Custody {DRDC72f}
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Name: Mailing Address: Daytime Telephone ATLAS #: Representing Self, Without a Lawyer For Clerk's Use Only IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA, YAVAPAI COUNTY Regarding the Matter of Case No. Petitioner 1300DO PARENTING PLAN FOR: and [ ] JOINT LEGAL DECISION-MAKING WITH JOINT LEGAL DECISION-MAKING AGREEMENT or [ ] SOLE LEGAL DECISION-MAKING [ ] to Mother [ ] to Father INSTRUCTIONS This document has 4 parts: PART 1) General Information; PART 2) Legal Decision-Making and Parenting Time; PART 3) Danger to Children Notification Statement; and PART 4) Joint Legal-Decision Making Agreement. (Where this form refers to "children" it refers to any and all minor children that are common to the parties, whether one or more.) One or both parents must complete and sign the Plan as follows: a. If both parents agree to joint legal decision-making, both parents must sign the Plan at the end of PART 2 at the end of PART 3, and at the end of PART 4; b. If both parents agree to legal decision-making and parenting time arrangements but not to joint legal decision-making, both parents must sign the Plan at the end of PART 2 and at the end of PART 3; c. If only one parent is submitting the Plan, that parent must sign at the end of PART 2 and at the end of PART 3. Respondent PART 1: GENERAL INFORMATION: A. MINOR CHILDREN: This Plan concerns the following minor children: (Use additional paper if necessary) CHILD'S NAME BIRTH DATE Superior Court of Arizona in Yavapai County January 2013 Page 1 of 8 DRDC72f American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Case No. 1300DO B. THE FOLLOWING LEGAL DECISION-MAKING ARRANGEMENT IS REQUESTED: Choose ONE of the options below (1, 2, 3, or 4). If you chose "sole legal decision-making", (1 or 2), you have the option of also requesting restrictions on the parenting time of the other party. [] 1. SOLE LEGAL DECISION-MAKING BY AGREEMENT: The parents agree that sole legal decision-making and primary physical residence of the child(ren) should be with the [ ] Mother or [ ] Father. The parents agree that since each has a unique contribution to offer to the growth and development of their minor children, each of them will continue to have a full and active role in providing a sound moral, social, economic, and educational environment for the benefit of the minor children as described in the following pages. OR, 2. SOLE LEGAL DECISION-MAKING REQUESTED BY THE PARENT SUBMITTING THIS PLAN: The parents cannot agree to the terms of legal decision-making and parenting time. The parent submitting this Plan asks the court to order sole legal decision-making, parenting time and determination of the primary physical residence for the child(ren) according to this Plan. (Optional, if you marked 1 or 2 above) [] [] RESTRICTED, SUPERVISED OR NO PARENTING TIME: The parent submitting this Plan asks the Court for an order restricting parenting time. The facts and information related to this request are described in the Petition. OR [ ] 3. JOINT LEGAL DECISION-MAKING BY AGREEMENT: The parents agree to joint legal decision-making and request the court to approve the joint legal decision-making arrangement as described in this Plan. The primary residence of the child(ren) will be with the [ ] Mother or [ ] Father. [] 4. JOINT LEGAL DECISION-MAKING REQUESTED BY PARENT SUBMITTING THIS PLAN: The parents cannot agree to the terms of legal decision-making and parenting time, or are unable to submit this plan together at this time. My request for joint legal decision-making is deferred for the court's determination. OR PART 2: LEGAL DECISION-MAKING AND PARENTING TIME: Complete each section below. Be specific about what you want the judge to approve in the court order. A. (School Year) WEEKDAY AND WEEKEND TIME-SHARING SCHEDULE: [ ] The minor children will be in the care of Father as follows: (Explain). [] The minor children will be in the care of Mother as follows: (Explain). Superior Court of Arizona in Yavapai County January 2013 Page 2 of 8 DRDC72f American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Case No. 1300DO [] Other legal decision-making arrangements are as follows: (Explain). [] Transportation will be provided as follows: [ ] Mother or [ ] Father will pick the children up at o'clock a.m./p.m. [ ] Mother or [ ] Father will drop the children off at o'clock a.m./p.m. Parents may change their time-share arrangements by mutual agreement and with at least days notice in advance to the other parent. B. SUMMER MONTHS OR SCHOOL BREAK LONGER THAN 4 DAYS: The weekday and weekend schedule described above will apply for all 12 calendar months EXCEPT: [] During the summer months or school breaks that last longer than 4 days, no changes shall be made. OR [ ] During the summer months or school breaks that last longer than 4 days, the children will be in the care of FATHER. (Explain.) OR [ ] During the summer months or school breaks that last longer than 4 days, the children will be in the care of MOTHER. (Explain.) [] Each parent is entitled to a week period of vacation time with the children. The parents agree to work out the details of the vacation at least days in advance. C. TRAVEL: [] Should either parent travel out of the area with the minor children, each parent will keep the other parent informed of travel plans, address(es), and telephone number(s) at which that parent and the minor children can be reached. Neither parent shall travel with the children outside Arizona for longer than without the prior written consent of the other parent or order of the court. days [] D. HOLIDAY SCHEDULE: The holiday schedule takes priority over the regular time-sharing schedule as described above. Check the box(es) that apply and indicate the years of the holiday access/parenting time schedule. Holiday Even Years Odd Years [ ] New Year's Eve [ ] Mother [ ] Father [ ] Mother [ ] Father [ ] New Year's Day [ ] Mother [ ] Father [ ] Mother [ ] Father Page 3 of 8 DRDC72f American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Superior Court of Arizona in Yavapai County January 2013 Case No. 1300DO [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] [] Spring Vacation [ ] Mother [ ] Father [ ] Mother [ ] Father Easter [ ] Mother [ ] Father [ ] Mother [ ] Father 4th of July [ ] Mother [ ] Father [ ] Mother [ ] Father Halloween [ ] Mother [ ] Father [ ] Mother [ ] Father Veteran's Day [ ] Mother [ ] Father [ ] Mother [ ] Father Thanksgiving [ ] Mother [ ] Father [ ] Mother [ ] Father Hanukkah [ ] Mother [ ] Father [ ] Mother [ ]