Last updated: 11/6/2020
Selection Of Presiding Judge {4}
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American LegalNet, Inc.www.FormsWorkflow.com APPT DISTRICT COURT CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) v. ) CASE NO. A ) DEPT NO. ) Defendants. ) STP ) ADR # SELECTION OF PRESIDING JUDGE TO: , attorney for Plaintiff; and TO: , attorney for Defendant. (Judge) has been selected as Presiding Judge in the above entitled matter. Within thirty (30) days after the appointment of the presiding judge, the parties must meet with the presiding judge to confer, exchange documents, identify witnesses known to the parties which would otherwise be required pursuant to N.R.C.P. 16.1, to formulate a discovery plan, if necessary, and to discuss the possibility of settlement. The extent to which discovery is allowed is in the discretion of the presiding judge. The presiding judge shall resolve all disputes relating to discovery. No later than seven (7) days before the pretrial conference, the parties shall personally serve on the Presiding Judge a joint pretrial memorandum. Memoranda shall contain a brief statement of the nature of the claim(s) and defense(s); a complete list of witnesses, including rebuttal and impeachment witnesses, and a description of the substance of the testimony of each witness; a list of exhibits; and all other matters to be discussed at pretrial conference. STP FORM 4 (1 of 3) American LegalNet, Inc.www.FormsWorkflow.com CASE NAME/CASE # If a party elects to use oral testimony, that party must include the expert222s name on the witness list submitted with the pretrial memorandum under Rule 9. If a party elects to use a written report, that party shall provide a copy of the written report to the other parties no later than thirty (30) days before the pretrial conference. Any written report intended solely to contradict or rebut another written report must be provided to the other parties no later than fifteen (15) days before the pretrial conference. At the time of the pretrial conference, the parties shall file with the presiding judge and serve on each other any documents establishing an expert222s qualifications to testify as an expert on a given subject. There shall be no voir dire of an expert regarding that expert222s qualifications. The presiding judge may rule on any disputes regarding the qualifications of an expert during the pretrial conference under Rule 10. On the date the pretrial memorandum is due, the parties shall submit to the presiding judge all evidentiary objections to reports, documents or other items proposed to be utilized as evidence and presented to the jury or presiding judge at the time of trial. Unless an objection is based upon a reasonable belief about its authenticity, the presiding judge shall admit the report, document or other item into evidence without requiring authentication or foundation by a live witness. No later than ten (10) days before the scheduled short trial date, the presiding judge shall hold a conference with the parties, in person or by telephone, to discuss all matters needing attention prior to the trial date. During the pretrial conference the presiding judge may rule on any motions or disputes including motions to exclude evidence, witnesses, jury instructions or other pretrial evidentiary matters. STP FORM 4 (2 of 3) American LegalNet, Inc.www.FormsWorkflow.com CASE NAME/CASE # The parties shall create a joint evidentiary booklet that may include, but is not limited to, photographs, facts, diagrams, and other evidence to be presented. The booklet shall be submitted with the joint pretrial memorandum. Any evidentiary objections relating to the booklet shall be raised at the pretrial conference or shall be deemed waived. DATED this day of , 2008. ADR COMMISSIONER NOTICE A copy of the foregoing Selection of Presiding Judge was: Mailed to the Plaintiff222s/Defendant222s counsel and Presiding Judge at their last known address(es) on the day of , 2008. By ADR COMMISSIONER222S DESIGNEE STP FORM 4 (3 of 3)