Last updated: 11/6/2020
Verdict Form Short Jury Trial {11}
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American LegalNet, Inc.www.FormsWorkflow.com VER DISTRICT COURT CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) v. ) CASE NO. A ) DEPT NO. ) Defendants. ) STP ) ADR # VERDICT FORM 226 SHORT JURY TRIAL We, the jury in the above entitled action, find for the Defendant and against the Plaintiff; or Plaintiff and against the Defendant and assess the total amount of the Plaintiff222s damages as follows: Medical bills205205205205205205205205205205. $ . Past pain and suffering205205205205205205. $ . Future pain and suffering205205205205205. $ . TOTAL205205205205205205205205205205205... $ . DATED this day of , 2008. By FOREPERSON STP FORM 11 (1 of 1)