Cosigner Agreement Addendum To The Rental Agreement | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Legal Forms

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Cosigner Agreement Addendum To The Rental Agreement | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Legal Forms

Last updated: 11/14/2017

Cosigner Agreement Addendum To The Rental Agreement

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COSIGNER AGREEMENT (ADDENDUM TO THE RENTAL AGREEMENT) Date: This agreement is attached to and forms a part of the Rental Agreement dated , between , Landlord, and , Tenant(s). My name is (Cosignor). I have completed a Rental Application for the express purpose of enabling the Landlord to check my credit. I have no intention of occupying the dwelling referred to in the Rental Agreeme nt above. I have read the Rental Agreement, and I promise to guarantee the Tenant(s) compliance with the financial obligations of this agreement. I understand that I may be required to pay for rent, cleaning charges, or damage assessments in such amounts a s are incurred by the Tenant(s) under the terms of this Agreement if and only if the Tenant(s) themselves fail to pay. I also understand that this Cosigner Agreement will remain in force throughout the entire term of the tenancy, even if the tenancy is ext ended or changed in its terms. Cosigner Accepted by Landlord 2001 251 American LegalNet, Inc.

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