Termination Of Lease {LT-104} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Legal Forms

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Termination Of Lease {LT-104} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Legal Forms

Last updated: 11/13/2017

Termination Of Lease {LT-104}

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Notice of Termination of Lease To , Lessee: Take notice, that pursuant to the provisions of paragraph of that certain Lease under which you hold possession of the hereinafter described premises, I have elected to terminate said lease as of , 20 ; said lease is being terminated [set forth reason for termination] and you are hereby required to quit and deliver up possession of the premises on or before the above mentioned date. The lease above mentioned is between , as Lessor, and as Lessee, is dated and covers the property commonly known as DATED: LESSOR LESSOR PRINT NAME American LegalNet, Inc. © www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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