Affordable Housing Plan Application And Checklist {NYC AHPA-C} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New York

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Affordable Housing Plan Application And Checklist {NYC AHPA-C} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New York

Last updated: 5/19/2021

Affordable Housing Plan Application And Checklist {NYC AHPA-C}

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O ff i c e of Development Inclusionary Housing 100 Gold Street, 5G New York, N.Y. 10038 n y c . go v / hpd MARIA TORRES - SPRINGER Commissioner MOLLY PARK Deputy Commissioner PATRICIA ZAFIRIADIS Associate C o mm i ss i o n e r Checklist Updated January 2019 AFFORDABLE HOUSING PLAN CHECKLIST PURSUANT TO THE VOLUNTARY INCLUSIONARY HOUSING PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: AS OF: TARGETED CLOSING DATE: Requirement Responsible Party Notes A. Application Inclusionary Housing Application (Original required) LINK Development Team Project description/narrative Development Team IH Application Submission Fee ($100) Development Team Made payable to NYC Dept. of Finance HPD Construction Sign Fee ($100) Development Team Made payable to NYC HPD B. BLDS Processing and Review BLDS eSubmit invitation initiated IH Project Manager Drawings & documents submitted to BLDS eSubmit LINK Project Architect BLDS final acceptance received HPD BLDS C. Architectural Submissions Architect Affidavit (Original required) Project Architect Stacking charts (Excel format) LINK Development Team Utility verification letter (Original required) Engineer of Record D. Campaign Finance Forms Doing Business Data form (Original required) LINK Development Team E. Community Board Notification Notification delivered ( at least 45 days prior to closing) Development Team F. Integrity Review Disclosure forms for Entity and Individuals LINK Administering Agent Integrity Review final report issued HPD Integrity Review Pre - Transaction Affidavit LINK Administering Agent ( at least two weeks prior to closing) G. Tax Memo Property list submitted (Excel format) Development Team Applicant General contractor Administering agent Arrears and Violations report run IH Project Manager Report responses submitted (if applicable) Development Team H. Supporting Organizational Documents Organization al charts Development Team Applicant, Administering Agent and General Contractor required E mployer I dentification N umber s (EINs) Development Team Applicant, Owner (if applicable), Administering Agent, General Contractor, Architect, and Attorney required I . Financing Underwriting (Excel format) Development Team Fully executed term sheet Development Team Fully executed commitment letter Development Team J. Legal Draft Regulatory Agreement and SNDA circulated HPD Legal Draft Regulatory Agreement exhibits circulated IH Project Manager Regulatory Agreement opinion letter (Original required) Applicant's Counsel Tax exemption opinion letter (Original required) Applicant's Counsel K. Closing Permit notice request letter Development Team Closing date assigned HPD Team IH Application Fee ($1,100 per IH unit) Development Team Made payable to NYC Dept. of Finance American LegalNet, Inc. O ff i c e of Development Inclusionary Housing 100 Gold Street, 5G New York, N.Y. 10038 n y c . go v / hpd MARIA TORRES - SPRINGER Commissioner MOLLY PARK Deputy Commissioner PATRICIA ZAFIRIADIS Associate C o mm i ss i o n e r Checklist Updated January 2019 AFFORDABLE HOUSING PLAN PROVISIONS PURSUANT TO THE VOLUNTARY INCLUSIONARY HOUSING PROGRAM A. Application Information on the Inclusionary Housing Program can be found here: - Inclusionary Housing Program Fees All fees must be paid in the form of a certified check, bank check, or money order as follows: - $100 Inclusionary Housing Application Submission Fee: due at application submission, made payable to the NYC Department of Finance (DOF). - $100 Construction Sign Fee: due at application submission, made payable to the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD). - Inclusionary Housing Application Fee: $1,100 per IH unit; due at closing, made payable to DOF - Inclusionary Housing Reserves Fee: $2.25 per square foot of Affordable Housing Floor Area; and, for 100% Inclusionary Projects, 6 months222 M&O + debt service; due prior to HPD222s issuance of a Completion Notice, payable to the NYC Housing Development Corporation (HDC). B. BLDS Processing and Review Once a complete Application package is submitted to the Inclusionary Housing Program, your Project Manager will initiate the intake of the project through the BLDS eSubmit system. A notification will be sent to the development team which will permit the architect to upload the Drawings and Documents. Submit DOB submission-quality drawings that substantiate or verify the Architect222s Affidavit for new construction, substantial rehabilitation, and preservations projects as follows: Each design submission must comprise two multi-page PDFs, one of which must contain all design drawings (223Drawings224), and the other of which must contain all supporting documents (223Documents224). All files must be submitted through the BLDS eSubmit process, and each file must be less than 50 MB in size. New Construction Drawings Note: New construction building plans filed with DOB must be reviewed by a DOB plan examiner. Responses to DOB objecti ons must not be self-certified. BLDS Design Review Submission Checklist and Guidelines: - New Construction Design Review Submission Checklist - Supportive Housing Guidelines Preservation and Substantial Rehabilitation Plans Submit existing DOB -approved building plans, including (1) the site plan of the building to contain Affordable Housing, (2) zoning sheets that reflect the total size of the building, (3) the size and configuration of the dwelling units to be contained in the building. If no existing building plans are on record, please submit newly drawn building plans. - Indicate landmark status of proposed conversion building. - Provide an Integrated Physical Needs Assessment (IPNA) and scope of work indicating the extent of preservation or rehabilitation work proposed: Preservation Design Specifications C. Architectural Submissions Architect Affidavit Submit certification from an architect that states: (1) the amount of affordable floor area in the project, (2) that the affordable housing units comply with 24723-154 of the New York City Zoning Resolution (223Zoning Resolution224) and 24741-15 of the Inclusionary Housing Program Guidelines (223Guidelines224), and(3) that the project complies with 247504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794) and implementing regulations at 24 part CFR 8. Access the applicable Architect Affidavit and Exhibit A Stacking Charts here: Greenpoint-Williamsburg West Chelsea and Hudson Yards oHeight Distribution (Chart A)oHorizontal Unit Distribution (Chart B)oBedroom Mix (Chart C)oFloor Area/Unit Size Compliance Worksheet (Chart D) American LegalNet, Inc. O ff i c e of Development Inclusionary Housing 100 Gold Street, 5G New York, N.Y. 10038 n y c . go v / hpd MARIA TORRES - SPRINGER Commissioner MOLLY PARK Deputy Commissioner PATRICIA ZAFIRIADIS Associate C o mm i ss i o n e r Checklist Updated January 2019 Utility Verification Letter Engineer of record must submit a letter to Inclusionary Housing Project Manager stating the proposed heating, hot water, and cooking systems for the project. Units with the following two heating and hot water systems receive the highest utility allowances: Individual unit electric resistance heated PTACs or heat pumpsIndividual unit hot water systems heated by electrically powered boilersElectric stovesUtility Allowance Chart: 2018 LIHTC Rent & Income Limits for NYC D. Campaign Finance Forms Entities participating in affordable housing transactions with the City must complete and submit Campaign Finance forms with the Application. Please submit a hard copy original and PDF electronic version. E. Community Board Notification The Application must be submitted to the Community Board at least 45 days prior to execution of a regulatory agreement. Submit proof, either through proof of mailing or signature of receipt from the Community Board, that the proposed Application was submitted to the Community Board in which the project is located, and the date such plan was submitted. F. Integrity Review Submit disclosure forms for Administering Agent. Provide a hard copy original and an electronic copy (PDF) for the entities and their principals. Entities or individuals may submit only

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