Last updated: 9/7/2021
Judgment And Commitment Order For Sexually Violent Person {CR-236}
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FORM SUMMARY Name of Form: Form Number: Statutory Reference: Benchbook Reference: Purpose of Form: Judgment and Commitment Order for Sexually Violent Person CR-236 §§980.05, 980.06, 980.063 and 980.065, Wisconsin Statutes CR 50 To commit a sexually violent person to the Department of Health Services (DHS) for institutional care in a secure mental health facility. Court official. A certified copy to Dept. of Health Services (institution). Copies to district attorney, defense attorney, §51.42 Board (of county of respondent's residence), sheriff (where respondent will reside). None. Modification; last update 05/04. Changed Department of Health and Family Services to Department of Health Services (DHS). Who Completes It: Distribution of Form: Accompanying Forms: New Form/Modification: Modifications: Comments: About this form: This form is the product of the Wisconsin Records Management Committee, a committee of the Director of State Court's Office and a mandate of the Wisconsin Judicial Conference. If you have additional information that does not change the meaning of the form, attach it on a separate page. The form itself shall not be altered. Date: 04/24/2008 Page 1 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, COUNTY For Official Use State of Wisconsin, Petitioner, -vs- Judgment and Commitment Order for Sexually Violent Person , Respondent Name Case No. Date of Birth The respondent was found and is adjudged to be a sexually violent person. It is determined that the county of residence is . THE COURT ORDERS: 1. The respondent is committed to the Department of Health Services for control, care and treatment until such time as the respondent is no longer a sexually violent person. 2. This commitment is to institutional care in a secure mental health facility. 3. The respondent shall provide a biological specimen to the state crime laboratories for deoxyribonucleic acid analysis. 4. If the respondent is in the custody of the sheriff, then the sheriff shall deliver the respondent into the custody of the Department of Health Services. BY THE COURT: Distribution: 1. Court (Original) 2. District Attorney 3. Defense Attorney 4. Department of Health Services (Institution) 6. §51.42 Board (of county of respondent's residence) 7. Sheriff (where respondent will reside) Circuit Court Judge/Clerk of Court Name Printed or Typed Date CR-236, 04/08 Judgment and Commitment Order for Sexually Violent Person §§980.05, 980.06, 980.063 and 980.065, Wisconsin Statutes American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material.
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