Order For Examination (Not Guilty By Reason Of Mental Disease Or Defect) {CR-270} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Wisconsin

 Wisconsin   Statewide   Circuit Court   Criminal 
Order For Examination (Not Guilty By Reason Of Mental Disease Or Defect) {CR-270} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Wisconsin

Last updated: 8/1/2022

Order For Examination (Not Guilty By Reason Of Mental Disease Or Defect) {CR-270}

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CR-270, 11/14 Order for Examination under 247971.16, Wis. Stats. (Not Guilty by Reason of Mental Disease or Defect) 247971.16, Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material. STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, COUNTY State of Wisconsin, Plaintiff - vs - Date of Birth Order for Examination under 247971.16, Wis. Stats. (Not Guilty by Reason of Mental Disease or Defect) Case No. Present Location (Include municipality and county) THE COURT FINDS: The defendant entered a plea of not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect or there is reason to believe that mental disease or defect will otherwise become an issue as to th e following crime(s): Crime(s) Wis. Statute(s) Violated Date(s) Committed THE COURT ORDERS: 1. The defendant be examined by [Name] . 2. This outpatient examination be conducted at . 3. of his or her conduct and the ability of the defendant to conform his or her conduct to the requirements of the law at the time of the commission of the crime(s) charged. 4. the defendant needs medication or treatment and whether the defendant is competent to refuse medication or treatment as defined in 2479 71.16(3), Wis. Stat s. 5. The defendant submit to the examination. 6. The examiner submit a repo rt to the court no later than [Date] . 7. The clerk provide the examiner a copy of 8. Other: THIS IS A FINAL ORDER FOR THE PURPOSE OF APPEAL . DISTRIBUTION: 1. Court 2. District Attorney 3. Defense Attorney 4. Examiner American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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