Last updated: 9/1/2022
Petition For Emancipation And Affidavit And Waiver Of Notice {PC 100}
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en-USIn the matter of the emancipation of en-US en-US , a minor 1. þ My full name is en-USFirst name, middle name, and last name (type or print)en-US and my social security þ number is en-USLast 4 digitsen-US . þ2. þ An action within the jurisdiction of the family division of circuit court involving the family or family members of the minor þ has been previously filed in en-US en-US Court, Case Number en-US en-US , was þ assigned to Judge en-US , and þ remains þ is no longer þ pending. 3. þ I am at least 16 years of age. I was born on en-USDateen-US in en-US þ þCounty, en-USStateen-US . A certified copy of my birth certificate is attached to this petition. 4. þ The name(s) and last known address(es) of my parents, guardian, or custodian are: en-USNAMEen-USRELATIONSHIPen-USADDRESSen-USParenten-USParenten-USGuardianen-USCustodian 5. þ I presently reside within this county at en-USStreet address þ en-USCity, state, zipen-US and I have lived there continuously since en-USDateen-US6. þ I am able to manage my own financial affairs as shown by the following facts: en-US þ en-US þ en-US þ en-US þ I am employed by: en-US American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com File No. 7. I am able to manage my personal and social affairs as shown by the following facts: My housing arrangements are: 8. I have read the Emancipation of Minors laws (Michigan Compiled Laws 722.1 through 722.6), and I understand my rights and responsibilities as an emancipated minor. en-USI REQUESTen-US the court to order my emancipation.en-USI declare that this petition has been examined by me and that its contents are true to the best of my information, knowledge, en-USand belief. en-USDate en-USMinor222s signature en-USAttorney signature en-USName (type or print)Bar no. en-USAddressCityState ZipTelephone no. 1. I am a en-USOccupationen-US , and I conduct business at or am employed at en-USAddressCityState ZipTelephone no.en-US . 2. I have personally known en-USName (type or print)en-US , a minor, for en-US years, and I have personal knowledge of his/her current circumstances. 3. I believe that emancipation would be in the best interests of the minor because of the following circumstances: 4. I have reviewed this petition, and I waive notice of hearing and any adjournment of the hearing. en-USDate en-USSignature of affiant en-USName (type or print) en-USAddress en-USCity, state, zipTelephone no.en-USSubscribed and sworn to before me on en-USDateen-US , en-US County, Michigan.en-USMy commission expires: en-USDate Signature: en-USNotary publicen-USNotary public, State of Michigan, County of en-USAFFIDAVIT American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com