Last updated: 2/19/2018
Petition To Rescind Order Of Emancipation {PC 102}
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en-USIn the matter of en-US , an emancipated minor 1. þ I am interested in this matter and make this petition as the þ parent of the minor. þ en-US minor. 2. þ The addresses of the minor and parents of the minor are the same as in the original petition except as to the following: þ en-USNAMEen-USRELATIONSHIPen-USADDRESSen-USParenten-USParenten-USMinor þ 3. þ An action within the jurisdiction of the family division of circuit court involving the family or family members of the minor þ has been previously filed in en-US Court, Case Number en-USþ assigned to Judge , and þ remains þ is no longer þ pending. 4. þ This court entered an order of emancipation on Date en-US . þ The order of emancipation should be rescinded for one or more of the following reasons: þ þ a. þ The minor is indigent and has no means of support. þ þ b. þ The minor and the minor222s parent(s) agree that the order should be rescinded. þ þ þ The family relationship has resumed and the order of emancipation is in conflict with this relationship. 6. þ I understand that rescission of an order of emancipation does not alter any contractual obligations or rights or any property þ rights or interests that arose during the period of time that the emancipation order was in effect. en-USI REQUESTen-US that the order of emancipation be rescinded.en-USI declare that this petition has been examined by me and that its contents are true to the best of my information, knowledge, en-USand belief. þ þ Date Attorney signature þ Signature Name (type or print) þ Name (type or print) Address þ Address City, state, zip Telephone no. þ City, state, zip Telephone no. þ American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com