Request For Additional Loss Mitigation Conference And Certificate Of Service {LM-09} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New York

 New York   Federal   Bankruptcy Court   Northern District 
Request For Additional Loss Mitigation Conference And Certificate Of Service {LM-09} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New York

Last updated: 6/28/2023

Request For Additional Loss Mitigation Conference And Certificate Of Service {LM-09}

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LM-09 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL LOSS MITIGATION CONFERENCE AND CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE. This form is used in the United States Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of New York to request an additional conference to address specific matters related to the loss mitigation process. The request is made in accordance with the court's Loss Mitigation Program Procedures. There are sections to fill in the case number, chapter of bankruptcy, and debtor's information. It also provides space to describe the issues or topics that need to be addressed during the conference. Additionally, the the form includes a "Certificate of Service" section where the person submitting the request certifies under penalty of perjury that they have served a true and accurate copy of the request to all relevant parties. The certificate of service specifies the method of service (such as notice of electronic filing, first-class mail, or certified mail) and lists the parties and their corresponding email addresses or physical addresses. It concludes with a space for the name of the person making the request and a notary public section where the notary affirms the truth and accuracy of the statement.

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