Last updated: 1/26/2024
Affirmation {UCCJEA-3}
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Form UCCJEA-3 - AFFIRMATION--UCCJEA. This form is used in the Family Court of the State of New York for custody or visitation proceedings. The affiant, either the petitioner or respondent, provides information related to the residency and custody history of the child(ren) involved in the case. This includes details about the child's residence, past residences, individuals with whom the child has lived, and any participation in prior custody-related litigation. The form requires the affiant to disclose their involvement in other custody proceedings, whether as a party or witness, in New York or other jurisdictions. Additionally, the affiant must provide information about any pending custody proceedings, registered orders, and individuals not party to the case claiming custody or visitation rights. The affiant affirms the truth of the statements under penalty of perjury. D.R.L. § 76-h. www.FormsWorkflow.com