Last updated: 5/2/2006
Petition To Enforce Custody Or Visitation Order {UCCJEA-11}
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DRL Art. 5-A Form UCCJEA-11 (Petition to Enforce Custody or Visitation Order UCCJEA), (9/2005) FAMILY COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ..................................................................................... In The Matter of a Proceeding to Enforce a Custody Visitation Order under the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act Petitioner Docket No. PETITION TO ENFORCE CUSTODY VISITATION ORDER UCCJEA -againstRespondent ....................................................................................... TO THE FAMILY COURT: The undersigned Petitioner respectfully alleges upon information and belief that: 1. Petitioner, , [check applicable box]: resides is located at [specify address or indicate if ordered to be kept confidential pursuant to Family Court Act §154-b(2) or Domestic Relations Law §§76-h, 254]: Petitioner is [specify relationship to child; if foster parent, agency, institution or other relationship, so state] : . Petitioner seeks to enforce the following order of custody visitation , a certified copy of which is attached [specify jurisdiction, court and docket or index number]: 2. Respondent , , [check applicable box]: resides is located at [specify address or indicate if ordered to be kept confidential pursuant to Family Court Act §154-b(2) or Domestic Relations Law §§76-h, 254]: Respondent is [specify relationship to child; if foster parent, agency, institution or other relationship, so state]: 3. The name, present address, and date of birth of each child who is the subject of this proceeding are as follows [Indicate if address ordered to be kept confidential pursuant to Domestic Relations Law §§76-h, 254 or Family Court Act §154-b(2)]: Name Present Address Date of Birth 4. This order [check applicable box]: was issued by a New York State Court. has been registered in New York State. [Attach copy of Order or Certification of Registration. Note: registration is not required for enforcement]. has not been registered in New York State. American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com Form UCCJEA-11 Page 2 was denied registration in New York State on [specify date]: by [check applicable box]: this Court another New York State court [specify]: is the subject of a pending application for registration in New York State filed on [specify date]: in [check applicable box]: this Court another New York State court [specify]: 5. This order [check applicable box]: has been registered in the following other state, tribal or territorial jurisdiction or country [specify]: [Note: registration is not required for enforcement]. has not been registered in any other jurisdiction or country. was denied registration in the following other state, tribal or territorial jurisdiction or country [specify]: is the subject of a pending application for registration in the following other state, tribal or territorial jurisdiction or country [specify]: 6. This order is in effect and has not been vacated, stayed or modified. 7. During the last five years, each child who is the subject of this proceeding resided at: [specify address or indicate if ordered to be kept confidential pursuant to Family Court Act §154-b(2) or Domestic Relations Law §254]: Name Address Duration (from/to) 8. The name and present address of the person(s) with whom each child resided during the past five years are as follows [specify address or indicate if ordered to be kept confidential, pursuant to Family Court Act §154-b(2) or Domestic Relations Law §254]: Name Address Duration (from/to) 9. Apart from the proceeding that resulted in the issuance of the order sought to be enforced herein, Petitioner has has not participated as a party witness other [specify]: in other litigation concerning the custody of the same child(ren) in New York State Other State or other jurisdiction [specify]: . If so, specify type of case, capacity of participation, court, location and status of case: 10. [Check applicable box]: The following person(s) not party to these proceedings have claimed physical custody or visitation rights to the child(ren) as follows: I know of no person(s) not a party to the proceedings who claim(s) to have custody or visitation rights with respect to the child(ren) affected by this proceeding. 11. Check applicable box: No proceeding has been commenced that could affect this action. The following proceeding(s) have been commenced that could affect this action, [specify jurisdiction, court, docket or index number, type of proceeding and status]: 12. The court that issued the order sought to be enforced identified the following jurisdictional basis or bases for its issuance [check applicable box(es)]: American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com Form UCCJEA-11 Page 3 The child lived in that state or jurisdiction with a parent or person acting as a parent for at least six consecutive months before the proceeding was commenced. The child and at least one parent or person acting as a parent had a significant connection with that state or jurisdiction and that state or jurisdiction has substantial evidence concerning the child's care, protection, training and personal relationships. All other courts with jurisdiction declined to exercise jurisdiction and the court that issued the order determined that it was the more appropriate forum. No court of any other state or jurisdiction would have jurisdiction based upon any of the foregoing factors. No jurisdictional basis for the order was specified. 13. Respondent violated this order by the following acts [specify violation(s) including facts, circumstances and dates]: 14. [Delete if inapplicable]: This court should issue a warrant requiring the production of the child because [check applicable box(es)]: The child is at imminent risk of serious physical harm, because [specify]: The child is at imminent risk of removal from the State of New York because [specify]: 15. Petitioner requests a Temporary Order of Protection pursuant to Family Court Act §655 because [specify]: 16. As a result of the Respondent's action, Petitioner has incurred the following legal expenses and costs to date for the prosecution of this violation [specify; delete if inapplicable]: 17. [Applicable where government agency is a party]: The subject child is is not a Native-American child, who is subject to the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (25 U.S.C. §§ 1901-1963). If so, the following have been notified [check applicable box(es)]: parent/custodian [specify name and give