Affidavit In Support Of Administrative Fees Hardship Waiver-Small Business | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

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Affidavit In Support Of Administrative Fees Hardship Waiver-Small Business | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 2/24/2024

Affidavit In Support Of Administrative Fees Hardship Waiver-Small Business

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AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE FEES HARDSHIP WAIVER-SMALL BUSINESS. This form is used to request a waiver of administrative fees associated with a legal proceeding due to financial hardship. The document typically includes information about the individual's income, expenses, and financial situation. In the case of the AAA (American Arbitration Association), the primary factor used to determine eligibility for a fee waiver is the federal poverty guidelines. If an individual's gross monthly income exceeds 300% of the federal poverty guidelines, they are less likely to be approved for a fee waiver unless they provide additional supporting information in their affidavit. The purpose of the affidavit is to provide evidence to the AAA that the individual is experiencing financial hardship and cannot afford to pay the administrative fees associated with the legal proceeding. The affidavit should include specific details about the individual's financial situation, including their income, expenses, debts, and any extenuating circumstances that may be contributing to their financial hardship. The more detailed and specific the information provided, the better chance the individual has of being approved for a fee waiver.

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