Notice And Stipulation To Temporary Judge Ruling On Ex Parte Application {KRN SUP CRT MC-2377} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

 California   Local County   Kern   Civil 
Notice And Stipulation To Temporary Judge Ruling On Ex Parte Application {KRN SUP CRT MC-2377} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 3/7/2024

Notice And Stipulation To Temporary Judge Ruling On Ex Parte Application {KRN SUP CRT MC-2377}

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MC-2377 - NOTICE AND STIPULATION TO TEMPORARY JUDGE RULING ON EX PARTE APPLICATION. This form is used in the Superior Court of California, County of Kern to inform all parties legally entitled to notice of an ex parte proceeding that a temporary judge, who is a probate court research attorney and qualified member of the California State Bar, may review and possibly rule on the ex parte application or petition without a hearing, unless a timely objection is made. The form includes a section for listing the names of individuals entitled to notice, along with the date, time, method of notification, and their response. The individual completing the form declares under penalty of perjury that the information provided is true and correct. The form also includes instructions and information regarding the appointment of temporary judges and the procedures for stipulating to a temporary judge ruling on an ex parte matter. Additionally, it specifies that consent to an order requested in an expedited court proceeding includes an agreement to a temporary judge ruling on the requested order. Adopted for Mandatory Use. Cal. Const. Article VI, Section 21, CRC 2.816(b) &(c); Local Rule 8.4.4.

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