Guardianship Termination Objection Questionnaire {KRN SUP CRT PB-8525} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

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Guardianship Termination Objection Questionnaire {KRN SUP CRT PB-8525} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 3/7/2024

Guardianship Termination Objection Questionnaire {KRN SUP CRT PB-8525}

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PB-8525 - GUARDIANSHIP TERMINATION/OBJECTION QUESTIONNAIRE. This form is used in the Superior Court of California, County of Kern, Family Court Services. It is provided to parties involved in relative guardianship cases. The questionnaire serves as a vital component of the guardianship petition and may prompt a court investigation. The completion of this form is essential for the court proceedings. It includes personal and background information of the objector/petitioner, employment details, financial information, living arrangements, and history of child protective services involvement, health, mental health, and more. Additionally, the form contains an informed consent section for guardianship evaluation and a release of information authorization. This form ensures that all relevant information is gathered for the court's consideration in guardianship cases.

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