Final Order Allowing Fees And Costs {PCA 341} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Final Order Allowing Fees And Costs {PCA 341} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 10/28/2024

Final Order Allowing Fees And Costs {PCA 341}

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PCA 341 - FINAL ORDER ALLOWING FEES AND COSTS. This form is used in Michigan in the context of adoption proceedings. It is a judicial order that approves the fees and costs associated with the adoption process, including those for attorneys and child-placing agencies. The form indicates that a petition for adoption has been filed and that necessary financial documentation, such as verified accountings of payments and statements of services, has been submitted. The court reviews these documents and finds that the final order of adoption should be entered, along with approval for fees and costs either in whole or in part. The judge will specify which fees and costs are approved and outline any exceptions. Approved, SCAO. MCL 710.54(10).

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