Consent To Adoption By Parent {PCA 308} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Consent To Adoption By Parent {PCA 308} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 3/30/2016

Consent To Adoption By Parent {PCA 308}

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Approved, SCAO JIS CODE: PCS, TCS, and MiCOURT - CAP STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL CIRCUIT - FAMILY DIVISION FILE NO. CONSENT TO ADOPTION BY PARENT COUNTY In the matter of Full name of child , adoptee NOTE: If the child is an Indian child, use form PCA 308-I. 1. I, Name Date , am the at Place mother (Date of birth father (Date of birth ) ) . of the child named above, who was born 2. A judge or referee of the court, or other authorized person, has fully explained to me my legal rights as a parent and that I do not have to sign this consent to adoption. I understand my parental rights and that if I do sign this consent, I voluntarily and permanently give up all my parental rights to my child for adoptive placement with a. the petitioner(s), who filed a petition for the adoption of the adoptee and whose name(s) is/are unknown because identifying information is not being exchanged. b. Name(s) of petitioner(s) , who filed a petition for adoption of my child. 3. I understand my right to request a rehearing or to appeal within 21 days after an order is entered terminating my parental rights. 4. I have not received or been promised any money or anything of value for the consent to adopt my child except for charges and fees approved by the court. 5. Of my own free will, I give up completely and permanently my parental rights to my child, and I consent to the adoption of my child by the petitioner(s). 6. I understand that my parental rights may be reinstated without further hearing if the adoption of the child named above is not confirmed. Parent signature Parent name (type or print) Address City State Zip Date The parent signing this consent is an unemancipated minor. I am the of the minor parent, and I join with the minor parent in signing this consent. Date Address parent guardian (Copy of letters of authority attached.) guardian ad litem (Copy of order attached.) Parent/guardian/guardian ad litem of unemancipated minor signature City State Zip See second page for certification by judge/referee and special acknowledgment for consents by those in the armed services or in prison. Do not write below this line - For court use only American LegalNet, Inc. PCA 308 (2/15) CONSENT TO ADOPTION BY PARENT MCL 710.22, MCL 710.43, MCL 710.44, MCL 710.54, 25 USC 1913(a), MCR 3.801 NOTE: Before taking the consent, the court shall obtain from the parent(s) all the nonidentifying information required by MCL 710.27. CERTIFICATION BY JUDGE/REFEREE An investigation of this consent has been made. At a hearing where a verbatim record of testimony was made, I explained to the parent her/his legal rights and that by signing this consent, s/he was voluntarily and permanently giving up her/his parental rights to the child for adoption by the petitioner(s). The parent then voluntarily signed this consent before me. The parent, guardian, or guardian ad litem of the unemancipated minor parent was present during this hearing and voluntarily signed this consent before me. Date Judge/Referee Bar no. NOTE: The following direction is necessary only if the consent is signed before another judge of the family division of the circuit court in Michigan (MCL 710.44[1]). In other cases, see MCL 710.44(2),(4). I direct that the consent of County, Michigan or his/her designated referee. Date Judge/Referee be signed before the judge of Bar no. In addition to completing the other side of this consent, if the parent signing this consent is in the armed services or is in prison, the following special acknowledgment must be completed by a person authorized by law to administer oaths. SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT I certify and acknowledge that is presently Address Name of parent is personally known to me, at Name of place State Zip confined stationed located at and stated City that s/he is the mother father of the child. I fully explained her/his legal rights as a parent, that s/he did not have to sign this consent to adoption, and that if s/he did sign this consent, s/he would be voluntarily and permanently giving up her/ his parental rights to the child for purposes of adoption. I also explained her/his right to a rehearing or to appeal within 21 days after an order is entered terminating her/his parental rights. The parent then voluntarily signed this consent. Subscribed and sworn to before me on My commission expires: Date Date , Signature: County and state . Notary public, State of Michigan, County of Notary Public: Name (type or print) Address City, state, zip American LegalNet, Inc.

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