Summons {MAG 10-17} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

 Georgia   Local County   Gwinnett   Magistrate Court   Civil 
Summons {MAG 10-17} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

Last updated: 10/24/2024

Summons {MAG 10-17}

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NOTICE AND SUMMONS. This form is used in the Magistrate Court of Gwinnett County, Georgia, to inform a defendant that a plaintiff has filed a claim seeking a judgment against them. It notifies the defendant that they are required to file or present an answer to the claim within 30 days of being served. The form explains the consequences of not filing an answer, such as a default judgment being entered against the defendant. It also provides instructions on how to file an answer, the option to file a counterclaim, and what to bring to the hearing if they wish to challenge the claim. The form outlines the steps for requesting a payment plan if the defendant admits the claim but needs more time to pay.

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