Affidavit For Judgment And Writ Of Fieri Facias On Consent Judgment {MAG 13-02} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

 Georgia   Local County   Gwinnett   Magistrate Court   Civil 
Affidavit For Judgment And Writ Of Fieri Facias On Consent Judgment {MAG 13-02} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

Last updated: 6/27/2007

Affidavit For Judgment And Writ Of Fieri Facias On Consent Judgment {MAG 13-02}

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GWINNETT MAGISTRATE COURT ______________________________________ STA TE OF GEORGIA ______________________________________ AFFIDAVIT FOR JUDGMENT Plaintiff(s) & WRIT OF FI.FA. ON CONSENT JUDGMENT v. CIVIL ACTION FILE NO: ______________________________________ ___________________________ ______________________________________ Defendant(s) INFO & FORMS ON THE INTERNET E-mail: AFFIDAVIT FOR JUDGMENT & WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS ON CONSENT JUDGMENT Personally appeared _____________________ _____________________, w ho being duly sworn, states that he/ she is the (Plaintiff) (Attorney for Plaintiff) (Agent for Plaintiff) in the above-styled case and that a Consent Judgment was entered in this case on the ______ day of __________________, 20_____, requiring the Defendant(s) to pay the Plaintiff the sum(s) of $__________ principal, $_________ interest, $__________ attorney fees and $__________ court costs. The Defendant has defaulted in making these payments. The remaining outstanding balance, after payment(s) if any, have been deducted, for which a Writ of Fi.Fa. should be issued is $___________ principal, $________ interest, $_________ attorney fees and $___________ court costs. Wherefore the Clerk is requested and authorized to issue a Writ of Fieri Facias in favor of the amounts set forth herein above together with the costs of issuance of the Writ of Fieri Facias in this action. [ ] Affiant will submit the fee for the Writ of Fi.Fa. together with this affidavit. ___________________________________ Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me this ____ day of _______________, 20____. _________________________ (Notary Public) (Deputy Clerk) MAG 13-02 Affidavit For Writ of FIFA Consent Judgment (Feb 02)

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