Last updated: 11/21/2024
Civil Warrant Action To Recover Personal Property {CV 9401}
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CIVIL WARRANT ACTION TO RECOVER PERSONAL PROPERTY. This form is used to initiate a legal action in the Court of General Sessions of Shelby County, Tennessee, to recover personal property. The plaintiff swears that they are entitled to possess the property described in the form, which is specified with its value. The form includes a summons for the defendant to appear in court for a possessory hearing regarding the rights to the property, and it includes details about the bond required to initiate the action. It also provides a notice to the defendant about their right to claim personal property exemptions under Tennessee law. The form outlines procedures in the event the defendant fails to appear, including a waiver where the defendant may voluntarily surrender the property. The judge can issue a default judgment if the defendant does not contest the claim. Lastly, if the plaintiff wins, they may receive possession of the property, and the defendant could be required to pay any remaining balance due. www.FormsWorkflow.com